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Patron Limits / Patron Blocks

Money owed

All patron types are blocked by the system from checking out any materials or placing holds via the catalog if their cards meet any of the following criteria:

  • The amount owed for fines, manual charges and replacement costs combined is $10.00 or more. If a patron pays a fine online to reduce their amount owed to under $10, their access to these services is automatically restored.
  • Any item goes to billed status. The full replacement cost must be paid to restore access to the above services.

Checkout and hold limits

For most patron types:

  • Maximum number of items checked out at any one time is 200
  • Maximum number of holds allowed at one time is 100

The following patron types have a maximum checkout other than 200:

  • 8 – Limit 7 Non-Charging: 7
  • 11 – Temp-limit 2 items: 2
  • 35 – CF restricted: 3
  • 38 – Limit 10: 10
  • 49 – EC Basic: 2
  • 51 – EC No Self-Check: 0

The following patron types have hold limits other than 100:

  • 8 – Limit 7 Non-Charging: 10
  • 11 – Temp-limit 2 items: 2
  • 13 – Library department: 200
  • 35 – CF restricted: 3
  • 38 – Limit 10: 10
  • 49 – EC Basic: 0
  • 50 – ecnoholds: 0

Some libraries enforce a maximum checkout of certain kinds of items (DVDs, for example). These limits are based on patron type and item location code.

Expired card

Most patron types are not affected by the record’s expiration date passing. Generally, expiration dates only serve as markers for staff to verify and update patron information. There are some exceptions. The following patron types are blocked from checking out and placing holds when the card’s expiration date has passed:

  • 11 – Temp-limit 2 items
  • 12 – Temporary resident
  • 14 – Institution
  • 15 – Seasonal resident
  • 22 – Institution non-charging
  • 27 – UWRF student
  • 29 – UWSTOUT
  • 30 – EC Home Delivery
  • 35 – CF Restricted