Programming kits: how to borrow
IFLS cooperates with Wisconsin Valley Library Service and Northern Waters Library Service to provide programming kits for libraries to borrow to use with all ages. We use Lend Items to reserve and circulate these items.
- Sign up for a Lend Items account by filling in this form
- All kits must be booked by registered library staff, but library staff can book kits on behalf of community groups
- Need more guidance? Learn how to set up your account and start reserving items.
- 7.5 minute Video Tutorial (created July 2022)
- Step-by-step IFLS Lend Items Instructions.docx
For a complete list of equipment, register for an account. Here is a sampling of items.
Examples of Maker and STEAM Kits
- Karaoke Machines
- Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Glasses kit includes four pairs of glasses—then you download the free Google Expeditions app on your own device to explore.
- Dash and Dot Robot Kit (you will need a supported iPad or Android tablet to run)
- 1.25 and 1 inch Button Makers (come with supplies to make buttons)
- Lego Mindstorms Set with Expansions and books
- littleBits Electronics Arduino Coding Kit, Synth Kit
- Cubelets: Allows people ages 5 and up to create very simple robots. It is not necessary, but you can connect them to a device (not included).
- Mini Pocket Drones
- Breakout EDU Escape Room Kits include everything you need to set up escape rooms set up for a classroom environment
Examples of Storytime/Early Childhood Resources
- Board Book Kits: 20 copies of the same board book for unison reading.
- Large Motor Kits: These include parachutes, beanbags, drums, and more.
- Play Kits: Kits to encourage imaginative play and exploration
- Story Kits: Each themed kit includes books, music, storytelling aids (puppets, flannel boards, etc), suggestions for fingerplays and other activities, and often other large motor items
- Sensory Storytime Kit: Books, large motor items, a time-timer, a visual schedule, suggestions for making storytime more inclusive for kids with sensory processing issues (like autism).
Examples of other items of interest:
- Memory Kits are designed for assisting with Memory Cafes, or discussion/activity groups for people with dementia and their caregivers. Kits include realia about various themes, like babies, baking, knitting, music, travel, and more.
- Board Game Kits have board games to appeal to a wide variety of ages and interests, including Pictionary, Balderdash, Would You Rather…?, Apples to Apples, and more.
AccuCut Die-Cut Service
The Phillips Public Library inherited the IFLS AccuCut Machine (an efficient way to cut out paper, foam, or felt shapes), along with several dies. The library continues to build the collection of dies.
You can contact the Phillips Public Library with die-cutting requests! Cool, huh? Here’s how:
- Download, print, and fill out AccuCut Die Request Form PDF Updated Feb 25
- Send enough paper, felt, or foamcore for your request, and be specific which colors/materials are for each shape.
- Send to Phillips Public Library via courier.
- For questions, call the library at 715-339-2868 or email curbside@phillipspl.org