Keeping Up With Kids is Leah Langby’s long-running popular blog. She delves into subjects related to Youth Services from many different angles.
Promoting Diverse Books–Youth Services Check-In
Youth Services Check-In Notes from October 13, 2021. Topic: Promoting Diverse Books We started with the question: What are some things that work...
Triple P Positive Parenting Seminars
The L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library is collaborating with the Eau Claire Family Resource Center to provide an online seminar series about...

Citizen Science and other STEM Fun with Kids and Families
There are so many great ways to get kids and families engaged in science! Christopher Mick from Hudson Area Joint Library is one of the biggest...

Guest Post: Looking for a new online programming idea? Bingo may be the answer!
Thanks to Jill Patchin at LEPMPL for this guest post! In-person bingo has been a big hit at our library for a few years now. It’s one of those...
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Weekly Digest is a compilation of the best information that crosses our desks at IFLS. Edited by Rebecca Kilde, so if you’d like something to appear in Weekly Digest, send it to with Weekly Digest in the subject line. Posts are deleted after six months.
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