Collection Development Resource

The blog has been a victim of the triage that becomes necessary during especially busy times, which August, September, and October seem to be.  BUT.  I have it on my calendar to do a blog entry several times in the upcoming weeks, so look for more...

Writing Workshop for Kids in Eau Claire

As part of the Chippewa Valley Book Festival, local writers  will be holding  wonderful sounding workshops for young writers at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in Eau Claire.  Jessi Peterson is one of the presenters for the workshop for 3-5...

WLA Conference Cool Stuff!

Sorry for the absence of blog posts, I’ve been out of the office more than in for the past few weeks, taking part in some terrific opportunities (the Youth Services Institute, Prepare Training to learn how to defuse challenging situations, and dropping my...

Early Childhood Development–Understanding Numbers

Even though it is on a commercial site, this is a great explanation of the way kids learn to understand numbers (being able to count to 10 does not mean that children understand the concept behind the numbers).  It gives some simple suggestions of activities to...

Read On Wisconsin

The booklists and other resources have been released for 2017-2018 Read On Wisconsin books.  If you don’t already know about it, Read On Wisconsin provides book discussion resources and carefully selected books for several age groups each month.  If...

2017 Teens’ Top Ten Voting Open!

Teens’ Top Ten, sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association, allows teens from across the country to vote for their top three favorite recent books from a list created by other teens.  This is a great way to encourage teens in your area to...

Barron’s Rearrangement Pays Off!

If you get two creative people together who are interested in thinking outside the box about ways to meet community needs, you just never know where you’ll end up.  Patti Becker and Sue Queiser at Barron have been looking at the way the community uses the...