Awesome STEM Resource!

The Milky Way (Pixabay)Thank you to Claire Parrish at Rice Lake Public Library for letting me know about STAR-Net:  Science Technology Resources for Libraries.  This website, provided by The Space Science Institute’s National Center for Interactive...

Advocacy Resources and Ideas

According to an article in Cosmopolitan Magazine, the Institute for Museum and Library Services accounted for 0.00006 percent of the federal budget in 2016.  Yet this institution provides crucial infrastructure to Wisconsin libraries, along with funding to pursue...

Calming Tip for Overwhelmed Kids

Puppies need heavy work, too!I learned about the concept of “heavy work” when I was learning about autism and sensory processing issues.  It can be calming, and help kids organize their minds so they are ready to participate in whatever other learning...

Crisis Text Line

I got this information from a post to PUBYAC, and thought it would be helpful for all of you out there in library land. The Crisis Text Line is the nation’s first free, 24/7 text line for people in crisis. People, nationwide, can text 741741 to be connected with...

Early Childhood Investigations Webinars

There are several Early Childhood Investigations webinars coming up that look great for librarians!  These webinars are geared toward people who work in child care and other early childhood settings, but once in a while one comes along that is especially relevant...

Media Literacy Starts Early

(image from Pixabay) Teaching kids to look critically at the media that surrounds them (in the form of cereal boxes, advertisements, stories in books and movies, and more) helps to develop those muscles so that they are prepared for continuing to analyze the messages...

Trauma-Informed Care

It’s hard to find a photo to go with this topic. Snuggling cats just make me feel better.Many of us have learned about ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and how the toxic stress encountered in childhood can affect people mentally and physically for the rest...