Want a book? IFLS still has 12 copies of this book Quadzilla Finds His Footing by A J Dillon to give away to any library that wants them. Let Leah know if you would like a copy (or two or three or four) to give away or add to your collection! We will donate whatever...
New on BadgerLInk! BadgerLink just announced a suite of new resources, with details about changes and additions. New on the list: Britannica School Early Elementary Learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of PreK-2 students and educators. Britannica...
This survey needs you Half of IFLS library directors and only 11 staff have completed the IFLS planning survey. John Thompson would like to hear from YOU. The deadline for this survey is August 16 (tomorrow!). Celebrate warriors for intellectual freedom! (From...
Request from John Thompson This is for everybody at your library: directors, library staff, and board members (directors please share with your board members). As part of 2025 budget and planning process, IFLS is conducting a brief planning survey. Your feedback will...
Flexible Facilities press release (from John) The DOA release a press release on Friday. Madison, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) today announced the receipt of 100 applications for digital connectivity projects through the Flexible...
Library Celebrations & Events Cornell Public Library is celebrating their centennial! There is a Silent Auction fundraiser with many unique & fun items taking place. Bidding ends noon- Sat, July 27. For more information, please click on the Centennial tab on...
Waltco Bin Washing Week – Aug 5-9 During the week of August 5, libraries will be asked to wash or clean all of the Waltco bins in their possession. On their many travels, the Waltco bins collect a lot of grime, and bin washing week is done in order to keep...
We’re smiling for Elizabeth Elizabeth Miniatt (D.R. Moon Memorial Library, Stanley) and her team’s proposal was accepted for both ARSL (virtual and WLA conferences! This was the culminating project of the State Advisory Group Elizabeth joined several years ago,...
This week’s digest is sneaking in before the holiday. Happy Independence Day Eighty-three years ago, Franklin Roosevelt proposed these Four Freedoms: Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear. We can still aspire to this vision...
Contents: New Lend Items Kits Scholarships Available to Attend ALSC National Institute Collaborative Summer Library Program—Free Virtual Author Presentations Survey about Teen Anti-Book Ban Programs Return of the Blog New Lend Items Kits Our neighbors and partners the...
Note from Reb: You’re awesome I’m hearing so many great stories about the start of summer at many of our libraries. Love that! So while you’re socked-in busy with the start of summer, I thought I’d remind you that you are remarkable. Thanks for all you do. Act...
Tip Jar! Open Meetings Law: Walking Quorums – Beware! Be sure to educate your boards on walking quorums, which can happen easier than you think. Example: Gandalf is willing to put on a firework display for a library SRP kickoff but needs board approval for cost...