2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
One of the most impactful things you can do for libraries: Library Legislative Day registration deadline is tomorrow We are lucky in Wisconsin. As a result of years of hard work and strategy at the state level we have bipartisan support in Madison for library funding....
In case you missed this: 2024 annual report info From TWAM: This week, my IFLS colleagues and I will begin compiling data for your libraries’ annual reports, with the goal of having as much data as possible pre-filled into your electronic forms once...
Library Love Story is ready to go! Library Love Story is our annual advocacy project. We collect testimonials from library lovers and present them to our elected officials at Library Legislative Day (Feb 11 this year). Here’s a link to the Library Love Story form....
Staff News WLA election results Congratulations to Katelyn Dubiel (IFLS) and Nick Andrews (Elmwood) for being elected to serve our state on WLA’s Wisconsin Small Libraries board, and to our soon-to-be IFLS staffer Jackee Johnson for her election to the Technical...
Grants and scholarships Apply now for ALA’s Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant to help build neighborhood connections! This one seems a little more geared towards slightly larger libraries, as the grant this year will support two libraries’ work...
Thing #1 New MORE Support Specialist at IFLS Jackee Johnson, currently ILS Administrator at Northern Waters Library Service, has been hired as the new MORE Support Specialist. Jackee’s start date will be January 6, following Kathy Setter’s retirement....