Great Lakes, Great Read

In case you missed earlier notices about it, please take a look at the resources created for the Great Lakes, Great Read project, led by the Wisconsin Water Library at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Many of you have interacted with the wonderful librarian...

YS Update

Contents: New Lend Items Kits Scholarships Available to Attend ALSC National Institute Collaborative Summer Library Program—Free Virtual Author Presentations Survey about Teen Anti-Book Ban Programs Return of the Blog New Lend Items Kits Our neighbors and partners the...

March 7 YS Round-UP

Contents: Rethinking Registration webinar YS Check-in Follow-up Book Give Away TeachingBooks for Libraries CCBC Choices Share Your STEM Awesomeness Rethinking Registration webinar Wednesday, March 20, 10-10:30 am  Register Do you spend a lot of time creating and...
An Author in Our Midst

An Author in Our Midst

There are a few library directors in our system that are authors, and one of them has gone the mainstream publishing route.  Shelley Tougas, the director at Hudson, has written several fiction and nonfiction books for middle-graders and now her picture book debut,...