A Treat: Everywhere Book Fest

A Treat: Everywhere Book Fest

I didn’t know about the Everywhere Book Fest before it happened (May 1 and 2), maybe I heard about it but it got lost in the flood of information and resources (I’ve heard it described as a fire hose many times!).  But yesterday, someone smart forwarded...

RAILS webinar and IFLS Collaboration

I’ve been promising to share the RAILS webinar Beyond E-Storytimes I’ve been raving about in the past couple of Youth Services Check-Ins.  Here it is!  There are some technical challenges in the first part, but the first part has some of my favorite...

Kids Can Help Jim Gill Create Music

Jim Gill, early childhood expert, children’s musician, and author, is co-creating videos with kids!  Children can send illustrated ideas to complete the phrase “May there always be…” and Jim will put them in a song with a video.  He’s...

What about those Seniors?

Kate in Glenwood City was feeling sad for all the seniors in high school, who have had their last chance at a lot of high school milestones disrupted by COVID 19.  She put out a call for seniors to send in a photo*, a  few things about themselves, and a favorite...

Free E-Books for Kids about COVID 19

I’m imagining you might be getting some readers advisory questions about helping kids understand the pandemic.  There have been a lot of great websites out there with tips for discussing this with kids, and of course the wonderful comic created by NPR editor...