12/23/2024 - MORE online payment option temporarily unavailable - I'll post an update here when the online payment option is available again, and I'll post a message on the MORE Catalog homepage if the problem persists beyond Monday afternoon.
If you don’t already follow the Wisconsin Library Association’s Youth Services Section Youth Services Shout-Out Blog, I highly recommend starting. A few updates about what is happening in the world of YSS: YSS is planning a Virtual Performer’s...
On Tuesday, youth services folks from IFLS and Wisconsin Valley Library System libraries had a joint virtual check-in to de-brief summer wins and losses. It was fun to work with my colleague Kristie Hauer from WVLS on this project! We tried a new format, breaking...
Wow, three blog posts in a week?! I guess the webinar More Than Welcome: Libraries Serving Families of Young Children with Disabilities was inspiring! Community Awareness and Communication It is important to let families affected by disabilities know they are...
Following up on my last post about the webinar More Than Welcome: Libraries Serving Families of Young Children with Disabilities! Today we are covering Programming. Many early childhood experts are very focused on the importance of inclusion instead of offering...
I had a chance to watch a recorded webinar this afternoon: More Than Welcome: Libraries Serving Families of Young Children with Disabilities, which is a culminating project by the University of Kentucky’s Human Development Institute (funded by the Institute for...
Like many of you, I love the content in the Jbrary blog. This blog started as a resource for hundreds of storytime songs, rhymes, and fingerplays. It includes a ton of great resources for people who are new to storytime, along with probing and thoughtful articles...