
Image:  PixabayThings are frequently in flux in the IFLS-region, with new directors and new youth services people a regular part of the job.  It keeps things very exciting around here!  But at the end of this summer, we are saying goodbye to two youth...

Bike Locks in Chippewa Falls

Image from PixabayIn case you missed this great press from the Chippewa Falls Public Library–a sad and frustrating situation (a kid’s bike got stolen) turned into a terrific opportunity to do something cool (a bike lock collection).  I’ve seen...

Inspiring Play in Young Children

I came across some books that some of you may already be familiar with:  Loose Parts:  Inspiring Play in Young Children and Loose Parts 2:  Inspiring Play with Infants and Toddlers, both written by Lisa Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky, with gorgeous photos...

College Admissions Campaign

My alma mater, Carleton College, busy looking picturesque  (photo credit:  Pixabay)How much do librarians end up helping college students with the college admissions process?  Most libraries collect materials to help, many provide programs that are...

Submit a Proposal!

Image source:  PixabayJust a last reminder:  it’s not too late to consider submitting a proposal to the Power Up Conference, to be held in Madison March 28-29, 2019.  This will be the second time the iSchool-sponsored conference on youth services...