Funding update for Barron Co, Friends grant, Data Dashboard pilot, changes, carpooling to Superior, and events
IFLS Staff
November 7, 2024
Weekly Digest

Barron County residents support their libraries

Last Monday the Barron County Board of Supervisors voted to reinstate the 78% reimbursement for Barron County libraries. Residents expressed strong support of libraries, and library workers offered clear explanations of funding and the impact of libraries in our communities. Thanks to the hardworking supervisors and our community for their support. If you want to watch the recording, the public comments about libraries begin at around 2:55:00, and discussion about the library budget begins at around 3:15:00. 

Penguin Random House & United for Libraries announce new grants for Friends of Libraries

As announced during National Friends of Libraries Week, United for Libraries and Penguin Random House are teaming up to award grants for Friends Groups serving rural and small libraries across the country. Grants of $500 and $1,000 (totaling $25,000), will be awarded to support libraries in need, and in-kind book donation grants of $500 will be awarded to 20 libraries. Applications will be open from Feb. 3-17, 2025. Register for free info sessions on this grant program, including grant writing basics and starting a Friends group. Learn more about this grant.

Reminder to check out the Data Dashboard pilot

During the pilot period, all public library and system staff will have barrier-free access to a statewide data dashboard of public library data as reported in the Annual Report to the DPI. The dashboard includes select data elements from Wisconsin public library service data, spanning the years 2015-2023, and includes the ability for individual libraries to visualize their own library’s data as well as benchmark against other libraries and peer cohort averages. The dashboard is available on an unlisted WPLC website page.

Training materials, including suggestions for data use, are provided as part of the pilot and can be accessed in the dashboard toolkit.

Unemployment benefits verification change

Do you help people with their unemployment claims?  This change will effect all claimants. The Unemployment Insurance division will be implementing a new identity verification process for claimants the evening of November 6.  All claimants need to verify their identity before they can file for unemployment benefits. The new Identity Verification Process page will explain the process and provide updated answers to frequently asked questions.

End of Year: watch your inbox

Bridget sent out an email to directors about end-of-year data cleanup, and Brad sent one last week about deadlines for technology purchases. Watch your inbox!

Katelyn’s name change

Katelyn got married! Her name is now Katelyn Dubiel. Don’t worry if you sent an email to Because of crazy good tech support, all those emails will show up in her new inbox.

Coming up

Lake Superior Libraries Unsymposium: want to carpool?

Is anyone interested in carpooling with Reb and Leah to this event? Contact Leah at

Our twelfth annual Lake Superior Libraries Unsymposium will be held on Friday, January 10, 2025, from 1-4:30 p.m. at Superior Public Library in Superior, Wisconsin. This event is free and open to everyone.  Registration is open now!  

November website trainings: all about security

October was Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and it was a doozy. Erica and Brendan have been hard at work on security for websites, and they’re ready to share. Check the calendar for dates and links.

Calendar spotlight

IFLS webinar Improving Literacy:  Understanding Dyslexia and Reading Instruction, Tuesday, November 12, 1-2 pm. Presenters Starla Dixen and Becky Glade, special education veterans, will provide a crash course about dyslexia and understanding some important things about the current landscape of reading and reading instruction. Register here

On the calendar

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