Weekly Digest: a short one (calendar & Explore MORE updates)
IFLS Staff
May 10, 2023
Weekly Digest

Not much to share this week!

Send your news, announcements and other info by end of the day on Wednesdays to be included in Weekly Digest.

Coming up on the IFLS calendar

Explore MORE weekly update

Your ten-stamp prizes are in courier. Please let me know if you don’t get one in the next couple courier cycles. Each of you got three branded notebooks and two branded keychains. I have some extras in reserve. I got enough for 350 entry forms.

  1. Let me know as soon as you’re running low on any supplies. Before printing additional passports we’ll send out an email asking folks to share if they have extras. We won’t be printing additional stickers, I have a few in reserve.
  2. If you share what your library is doing, I’ll add it to the Toolkit page, like this.
  3. If you’re staff participating in the program you can use the pre-printed passports! Just write “staff” in big letters on the front.
  4. The downloadable passport is live on the Explore MORE public page. https://iflsweb.org/exploremore2023/
  5. The Fabric Arts Explorer’s Guide itinerary is updated and linked on both the toolkit and public-facing page. No more additions/changes on this year’s guide.

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