Weekly Digest: Are you watching right now? And a flurry of other news and resources.
IFLS Staff
January 26, 2023
Weekly Digest

Are you going? It’s not too late!

It’s the second day of the Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference. These are nationally recognized and local experts and you get to go for free! It’s not too late to register. If you miss a session, don’t worry. Recordings will be available later.

Annual Report resources

IFLS staff have got you covered. A lot of data has been prefilled for you by IFLS.

  • Want to get it done in a day? Go to the in-person workshops on Feb 2 and Feb 3. Preregistration is required, bring your laptop.
  • Watch your inbox! John and the annual report team will be updating you regularly.
  • Remember to reply all with Annual Report questions so that John, Adam, Katelyn and Leah all see the question and we can respond as soon as possible!
  • You can find resources and links on the IFLS website.
  • When you’re ready to communicate your annual report data, take a look at the latest Marketing Monthly for best practices and Canva templates.

$$$ opportunities

The ALA Great Stories Club

is a thematic reading and discussion program that engages teens facing difficult challenges through literature-based library outreach programs. Applicants may choose to apply for one of the following themes: “Deeper Than Our Skins: The Present is a Conversation with the Past” and “Finding Your Voice.”  The grant themes explore questions of race, equity, identity, and history. Implementation is supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Up to 50 libraries will be selected.
Grantee benefits include 11 paperback copies of up to four books on the reading list; a programming grant of up to $500; a virtual orientation training workshop for library project directors; and additional resources, training, and support from ALA’s Public Programs Office. For more details, visit the website: https://www.ala.org/tools/programming/greatstories/apply.

For small libraries

The American Library Association and Booklist Publications invite you to apply for a new grant opportunity. This generous grant, from the Mellon Foundation, is restricted to public libraries that serve small populations, rural populations, or diverse populations. This grant will add resources to your collection development, readers’ advisory, and reader services program. Deadline to complete the application is February 28, 2023. There is no cost for participating libraries.

Please complete this application to be considered for a year of Booklist Reader copies to distribute freely to your patrons. You will also receive a year of Booklist magazine and Booklist Online for your staff’s use. You’ll have the tools to share the digital editions of Booklist Reader through your website to share with your whole service area.

If your library is selected, you will be notified by email with more details, including expected first issue dates and online access instructions.

Educational opportunities

From WI Extension

  • Family Engagement and Relationships, is hosting our Raising Wisconsin’s Children Conference from January 23-27. This is a free online parenting conference to give parents, caregivers, and professionals some practical, positive parenting ideas from experts. See attached flyers (English and Spanish), and register here.
  • Extension’s Life Span team is hosting their Wise Wisconsin Winter Series that starts February 1st. Topics range from increasing joy and life satisfaction to learning new resources. See the attached flyer for details and register here.
  • Extension’s Health & Well-Being team is hosting youth and adult Mental Health First Aid for rural partners and networks. Please see attached flyers for more details. Virtual trainings start at the end of the month, and space is limited. https://wirose.wisc.edu/mental-health-first-aid/
  • Contact for Extension resources is Yia Lor, Human Development and Relationships Educator, yia.lor@wisc.edu

New on the IFLS calendar, Summer LIbrary Program series

IFLS Youth Services Webinar Series

In-person and online events

These are a culmination of the webianr series, and will include discussion and hands-on activities — practical applications for summer programs and beyond. Lots of options for lots of situations!     Registration for all events at this link

  • Thursday, February 23, Amery Public Library (snow date February 28) register by February 20, 10:00-4:00 or 12:30-4:00
  • Thursday, March 2, L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library (snow date March 7) register by February 27, 10:00-4:00 or 12:30-4:00

Schedule for both days:

10:00-12:30 (optional–come if you can!):

  • Try out kits related to the summer theme of All Together Now
  • Discussion and Activities related to child and teen development
  • Lunch (courtesy of IFLS)

12:30-4:00 pm (both days):   

  • Summer Library Program Idea Swap — share ideas with your colleagues about what you plan to do this summer!
  • Activities and discussion to help you with setting priorities for your summer programs and services
  • Community Asset Mapping—brainstorm with others about the people and organizations in your community that can help you

OR attend the Abbreviated ZOOM Session (if you can’t come in-person)

Thursday, March 9, 1-3 pm

  • SLP Idea Swap
  • Resources to help with summer programming and beyond
  • Activities and discussion to help set priorities and goals for your summer programs and services

REGISTER HERE for any of the three workshops!

In-person workshops provide either 4 (full day) or 3 (afternoon only) continuing education contact hours for library director certification. Zoom session provides 1.5 contact hours.  Let me know if you have questions!

Go to the calendar for a complete listing with details!

Inform the DPI: call for response

If you or someone at your institution offers digital literacy programs at your library, please consider filling out this 14-question Digital Literacy & Resilience Survey that is being offered by the American Library Association (ALA). The Department of Labor, in coordination with IMLS (and others), has issued a Request for Information (RFI) related to digital literacy and digital resilience in relationship to workforce development. From the survey:

“Our input will inform future grant opportunities and public policy that will impact libraries and our communities. Libraries are specifically mentioned in several places, and many of the questions are well-suited to library staff input to guide future developments.”

I understand that ‘survey fatigue’ is very real; that said, this is a great opportunity to share Wisconsin libraries’ efforts in strengthening digital literacy throughout our communities. I hope you’ll consider participating. Thank you for your time!

Contact at DPI is Chris Baker, christopher.baker@dpi.wi.gov

Statewide news: systems merge

As of January 1, 2023, the Arrowhead and Lakeshores Library Systems have merged into one new system: Prairie Lakes Library System.

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