Weekly Digest: snow day! grant, program tracker help, new and coming soon
IFLS Staff
February 23, 2023
Weekly Digest

$$$ opportunity closing Feb 28

Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities will offer more than $7 million in grants to small and rural libraries to increase the accessibility of facilities, services, and programs to better serve people with disabilities.

To be eligible, a library must have a legal service area population of 25,000 or less and be located at least five miles from an urbanized area, in keeping with Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) definitions of small and rural libraries.

ALA is now accepting applications for grants to be distributed over the next three years ranging from $10,000 to $20,000. Info and application

New: ARSL Advocacy Center

Build your advocacy muscles with the new ARSL Advocacy Center! Built and maintained by the ARSL Advocacy Committee, our advocacy resources are tailor-made for addressing the needs and effectively communicating the impact of small, rural libraries. These tools are available for all libraries, regardless of ARSL membership.

Take a look!

2023 Wisconsin Library Association Leadership Development Institute

WLA is accepting applications through March 6 for the 2023 Wisconsin Library Association Leadership Development Institute (LDI 2023).   LDI 2023 is based on several overarching leadership competencies, and participants will interact in cohort groups throughout the six-month program. Each module includes the introduction of problem-solving skills and real-life applications. Instructors represent a wide range of disciplines both within the library community as well as outside the library profession.  Participants can earn 30 CE hours.

 Designed for both seasoned and emerging leaders, the Institute has been redesigned to offer a strategic mix of in-person and virtual events to make the program accessible to attendees working in any location.  The virtual sessions can be watched live or via recording to accommodate busy library schedules.   For more details, including participant expectations and resources for making your case to apply, watch the promotional video and visit the .LDI webpage.   Questions?  Contact Laura Sauser, WLA Executive Director at sauser@wisconsinlibraries.org.

Cost to participate is $475 for WLA members and $550 for non-WLA members.  IFLS will be able to provide financial assistance to partially defray the costs for one or two participants from the IFLS region.  If you apply and need financial assistance, please contact Leah!

A better way to record program statistics

Did you struggle with the 2022 program statistics?  Looking for a Better Way?  Check out the 2023 Programming and Activity Count Tracker. This workbook can be used to track programs and activities throughout the 2023 year and prepare program and activities counts and attendance for Sections III and XIII of the 2023 Annual Report.   If it seems overwhelming, there is a short lightly outdated 2020 Programming and Activity Count Tracker tutorial video from DPI. The video has not been updated to include the additional age categories in programming nor the onsite/offsite determination required for the 2022 annual report, but the video may be helpful for new staff or staff needing a refresher training tool.

New on the Website

Damaged ILL guidelines article with instructions for borrowing and lending. Share with your favorite IFLS librarians.

Coming up on the calendar

  • Thursday, Feb 23
    • shoveling. Don’t hurt yourselves!
    • Annual Report deadline: signed copy to IFLS
    • Youth Services event postponed to Tuesday, Feb 28
  • Friday, Feb 24: group order deadline
  • Tue Feb 28th 10:00am – 4:00pm: (rescheduled from 2/23) Youth Services Series: In-Person Workshop (Amery)
  • Thu Mar 2nd 10:00am – 4:00pm: Youth Services Series: In-Person Workshop (Eau Claire)

Oooo, nice day to think about gardens (free resources)

Kelly Bolton, Milwaukee Public Library, kjbolte@milwaukee.gov forwarded this on WisPubLib. I like gardening, and it’s a great day to look at seed catalogs and think about gardens. Milwaukee Public Library, We Energies and gardening expert Melinda Myers are creating a free programming series for this year All future info will be sent by email on the listserv WisPubLib.

Here are the free webinars she shared.

  • 4/18/23, 6:30p.m. CT – Growing a Bountiful Harvest Even When Time, Space & Budget are Limited Register
  • 5/3/23, 6:30 p.m. CT – Gardening in a Changing Climate Register
  • 9/13/23, 6:30 p.m. CT – Fall is for Planning and Planting an Energy-Saving Landscape Register


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