At the Summer Library Program workshop, Becky Arenivar shared a great idea she used last summer to keep families in Prescott up to date on programs and special events at the library. As part of registration for the SLP, she collects a family email address and permission to send a weekly reminder via email.

Attendance jumped! People were more likely to remember to attend programs and they remembered the deadlines and details for the reading and reporting part of the program. It fits with the old Rule of Seven marketing adage (people need to see things 7 times before it sticks).
In talking with Tami Richardson, from Rice Lake, I found out about a cool, free download to make these emails look a little more attractive: Mail Chimp. Tami uses Mail Chimp for an email newsletter she sends out to co-workers and professional contacts. It would be pretty easy to adapt this for regular contact with patrons. Do any of you do this?
(Photo from flickr: The Touch by Eugenius D80)