Adulting in Hudson
Leah Langby
May 3, 2019
Keeping Up With Kids

There are so many parts of becoming an adult that are intimidating or overwhelming, and without support it can feel downright impossible to figure out.  Enter:  the Hudson library!  They’re in the middle of a 4-session series, bringing in community experts to help teens learn to navigate finances, simple sewing/laundry/cooking tasks, etiquette, starting college, and basic car maintenance. 

The sessions have been well-received and well-attended. I know some other libraries have tried this with less success, so I asked Shelley (at Hudson) how they publicized.  They’ve used several strategies.  Posting on Facebook has reached parents of teens, and their new Facebook strategy of seeking more engagement has meant that people are paying more attention to their page.  They also put up humorous posters around the library (see example below).  Using humor seems to have been a key ingredient in their success!

Adulting for Teens at the Library poster.  Quote:  Nutrition:  I hate it when I'm trying to eat a salad and it accidentally falls in the trash and I have to eat pizza instead.  Session one:  What's in Your Wallet?  Hopefully Money.  Session Two:  Random Acts of Adulting and Dinner Etiquette.  Session Three:  Supercharge Your College Experience.  Session Four:  Avoiding Car-tastrophe.
Adulting at the library for teens.  Laundry:  I can't believe there's no fold button on the dryer.
Adulting at the library for teens.  Cars:  You Know you're a bad driver when Siri says, 'In 400 feet, stop and let me out.'

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