Hooray for Christy at Pepin for sending in some photos and ideas just when we needed them! Doesn’t this look fun? You don’t have to be a large library to have a successful toddler program. If you need help with coming up with ideas, please contact Leah!
“Pepin is once again holding a Lap Sit Story Time for children ages 4 and younger who come with a caregiver. This six week program lets toddlers come to the library with their parents or grandparents to listen to books, learn and do finger plays, sing, dance and have free play with scarves. The program lasts 20-25 minutes and features a different theme each week, with the fingerplays and books suppporting the theme. Many of the finger plays are already familiar to families, but weekly handouts feature all the finger plays and the song that is used that week. During the month of April average attendance has been 5 adults and 6 children. Each week is a stand alone so families can come to just one or all six. Parent resources are available to each family to encourage learning at home.
The children especially like playing with the scarves, as “Buggy” comes out to pass the scarves around and then gathers them to be put away at the end. Every child enjoys saying good bye to “Buggy” and giving him a kiss.”