Booklists, Booklists, Booklists!
Leah Langby
June 18, 2020
Keeping Up With Kids

Summer is a great time for recommending books.  And also a time when you might not have as much time as you’d like to collate your own lists!  SO–here is a compilation of lists and list resources that may be of use/interest for you:

We Are Kidlit Collective Summer Reading List is a  “curated summer reading list that celebrates diversity, inclusivity, and intersecting identities” with books for all ages by and about Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

School Library Journal has a whole bunch of great summer booklists, with a variety of ages, book-types, and topics.

Association for Library Service to Children has summer reading lists (and nifty brochures) for ages 0-14.  (Pro tip:  Valerie from Ladysmith mentioned that she puts these lists out and kids and families read through all the books on the list–a great way to diversify their reading! A variety of ALSC booklists is available.

YALSA’s Teens Top Ten Nominees are a great list of teen-recommended books for kids to read and then vote for their favorites in the fall

Cooperative Children’s Book Center is ALWAYS a good bet!  Here are a few booklists to highlight

NPR’s Book Concierge is tons of fun, the 2019 list is a great place to start.  You can spend a lot of time playing with filters to see what you can come up with, including filters for books for kids and teens.


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