Easy Interactive Teen Displays in Menomonie
Leah Langby
August 2, 2017
Keeping Up With Kids

I heard from a reliable source (my own teen) that the interactive teen displays in Menomonie are the bomb.  Abby Seymour, the teen librarian, shared some of her recent displays:

display that says First Impressions Matter

The first display takes the intriguing first line of a YA book was on the front, with a tab to lift to see what the book it came from is.  I recognized some, and found the others absolutely tantalizing!

first lines of books display
The next display allows people to vote on whether the book or movie cover is better:
book and movie covers display, with voting options
Paired with a display of book jackets that will soon be movies, this made for a simple and fun display:

book jackets of books being made into movies, "Because Hollywood is running out of ideas."

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