Free Webinar on Early Readers
Leah Langby
July 31, 2015
Keeping Up With Kids

We’ve been talking a lot about pre-readers in the past few years, but what happens once kids enter school?  There’s an upcoming free webinar from the Multnomah County Library (Portland, OR) about supporting emerging and early readers (K-3rd graders) coming up in August–and it’s offered twice!

Welcome to Reading:  Amp Up Your Services for Beginning Readers – Report of Multnomah County Library’s Allen Foundation Grant – Tues., August 11, 11am (PST), register here  or Thurs., August 27, 11am (PST), register here.
From campaigns to coalitions, the entire nation is talking about third grade reading.  The discussion is focused on the critical importance of being able to read fluently by third grade and the troubling predictable long term consequences for those who cannot.  Specifically, reading proficiency by third grade is the most important predictor of high school graduation and career success. Yet every year, more than 80 percent of low-income children miss this crucial milestone.
Join Multnomah County Library for a free webinarand learn the results of their two year Paul Allen Family Foundation early literacy grant.
·  Learn what K-3rd grade teachers say about how libraries can help address their student’s needs;
·  How you can help answer their call;
·  How MCL re-envisioned the collection and services to address this; and,
·  New messaging any public library can share with early grade stakeholders to create deeper connections between beginning readers and the public library.
Tues., August 11, 11am (PST) webinar, followed by 12pm Q&A/ community forum
Thurs., August 27, 11am (PST) webinar, followed by 12pm Q&A/ community forum

This grant is possible by gifts to The Library Foundation, a local nonprofit dedicated to our library’s leadership​, innovation and reach through private support.

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