March 7 YS Round-UP
Leah Langby
March 7, 2024
Keeping Up With Kids


Rethinking Registration webinar
YS Check-in Follow-up
Book Give Away
TeachingBooks for Libraries
CCBC Choices
Share Your STEM Awesomeness

Rethinking Registration webinar

Wednesday, March 20, 10-10:30 am  Register

Do you spend a lot of time creating and maintaining spreadsheets for registration? Does staff spend extra time finding and checking names on registration forms? Do you find yourself wondering why you are collecting names, phone numbers and other information? Do you even use that data? In an attempt to make her job and her co-workers’ jobs easier, Kathy Larson (River Falls Public Library) has completely gotten rid of spreadsheets that track Summer Reading Registration and 1000 Books before Kindergarten Registration. If you are interested in ways to continue to count the numbers but are sick of spreadsheets this webinar is for you, and just in time for summer program planning!

YS Check-in Follow-up

For those of you who couldn’t join us for today’s discussion on encouraging reading/engagement during the summer, here are some tips and ideas from participants.

Book Give-away

U.S. Cellular has donated over 300 paperback copies of Green Bay Packer running back A.J.Dillon’s picturebook Quadzilla Finds His Footing to Wisconsin public libraries.  Not quite enough for all the libraries in the state.  IFLS has 30 copies to give away to libraries in our system.  Are you interested in adding this to your collection or using it as a prize?  Please let me know if you would like a copy.  We’ll send out as many as we can, while supplies last.  First come, first served.

TeachingBooks for Libraries

There are so many great resources on TeachingBooks for Libraries, part of BadgerLink,  to help you plan programs, displays, and readers’ advisory!  If you haven’t explored it yet, check out these training opportunities:

CCBC Choices

CCBC Choices 2024recommending 238 books published in 2023 for children and teens from birth through high school age, is now available!

CCBC Choices 2024 is a digital publication. Entries for each book include full bibliographic citation, annotation, age recommendation and cover image, and a link to the book’s entry in the CCBC-Recommended Book Search database, where custom lists can be created. The publication also includes an introductory essay and name/title index. A citation list (bibliographic information only) of CCBC Choices 2024 is also available on our websitRee.

To hear more from the Cooperative Children’s Book Center librarians, mark your calendar for May 15 and 16, when CCBC librarians will be in Eau Claire with books to examine for yourself and two workshops.  More details coming in the next month.

Share Your STEM Awesomeness

From the Wisconsin Afterschool Network:  The Wisconsin Afterschool Network is a statewide organization which works to support after school and summer programs and their staff in delivering high quality programming. One of the goals of the Wisconsin Afterschool Network is to empower educators who work with youth to lead engaging STEM activities. Organizations like yours (businesses, museums, libraries, STEM centers) are important resources for these educators. We want to learn about the work you do and how we can help you connect with Out-of-School Time programs in your area. Our hope is to develop a directory and map of STEM organizations in Wisconsin for educators to access on our website as a resource in their community.

We would appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this survey to help us in our endeavor. Please consider sharing this survey as well with other organizations that serve educators and youth. If you represent a statewide organization, please include statewide resources, but also share with local organizations in your network who offer resources and services to educators.

Survey Link:


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