One World, Many Stories Websites, Part 3
Leah Langby
June 9, 2011
Keeping Up With Kids

Part 3 of the list of websites shared by Rhonda Puntney (thanks, Rhonda!)


Magnificent Maps

The British Library has a few maps in its collection, and it is an institution that is well-positioned to create an exhibition with the title “Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art”. This digital exhibit is meant to complement an in situ exhibit that explores these main themes through 80 different maps. On this site, visitors can look over four of these marvelous maps in exquisite detail, and also watch and listen as the exhibit’s curators talk about each work. The maps include the Psalter World Map from 1625, which is most likely a copy of the lost map which decorated King Henry III’s bedchamber in Westminster Palace. “The Island” map shouldn’t be missed either, as it satirizes “the London-centric view of the English capital and its commuter towns as independent from the rest of the country.” The site is rounded out by a blog maintained by the curators, and it is worth a look. (Scout Report, 9/3/10)

Hot Air Balloon

Here you will find a directory and calendar of hot air balloon festivals, rallies and events around the world.

Teach the Earth

The Science Education Resource Center (SERC), with financial support from the National Science Foundation, presents this portal for educators who teach geo-science. Hundreds of teaching activities are available including visualizations, data sets and models, lab activities, projects, virtual field trips, and writing assignments. Topics for the activities include climate change, geochemistry, earth surface, energy/material cycles, ocean, solar system, earth history, and more. Teachers may also want to check out the section on methods. These strategies, such as cooperative learning, gallery walk, and others, could also be used effectively to teach other subjects. (Education World Site Reviews, 11/2/10)

Flags of the World (this site no longer works)

Flags of the World (FOTW), founded in 1994, is the Internet’s largest site devoted to vexillology (the study of flags). Here you can read more than 47,000 pages about flags and view more than 87,000 images of flags of countries, organizations, states, territories, districts and cities, both past and present.

National Geographic Video: Animals, Travel, Kids

The “Video” section of the wonderful National Geographic website has so much to offer visitors. Many of the videos are just several minutes long, such as the two minute and twelve second video taken of an Australian sea lion attacking and eating an octopus, with a “Crittercam” that is attached to the sea lion. The videos are divided into six categories, including “Adventure”, “Animals”, “Environment”, “Kids”, “Movies”, and “Music Videos”. Within each of the categories, there are at least half a dozen subcategories, so visitors have a constant supply of videos, with new videos added frequently. The homepage of the Video section has “Featured Videos”, and presently includes a very timely four minute segment entitled “Egypt Antiquities Damaged, At Risk During Unrest” about the damage that looters had done to artifacts at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The “Movies” category contains mainly clips or previews from films, and visitors should check out the four clips from the movie “God Grew Tired of Us”, about former child soldiers of Africa. (From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2011., 3/4/11)

Planet Earth on You Tube – Metafilter

The breathtaking TV series is now available in its entirety on YouTube. Here are the links. (Neat New Stuff I Found This Week,, Copyright, Marylaine Block, 1999-2011, 3/11/11)

National Geographic Travel and Cultures

Travel tips, blogs, photos, contests and much more.


Peace Corps Educators Page

Includes lesson plans, multimedia material, service learning project suggestions, enrichment projects, and more. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter.

Kid Activities Diversity and Multicultural Theme Introduction

Songs, crafts, bibliographies, foods, games much more. Includes a section on saying “thank you” in almost 30 languages, with phonetic pronunciation.

United Nations Cyberschoolbus–Home.php

Brought to you by the University of Wisconsin and the Internet Scout Project, this site is a compilation of educational resources to teach languages and world cultures. Subject areas include: architecture, art/sculpture, family, film, folklore, food, history, indigenous peoples, literature, music, performing arts, politics, regions, religion, sports, travel

search all blog posts using keywords or title, date, categories



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