Super-Cool CD Project
Leah Langby
July 5, 2011
Keeping Up With Kids
Holly Lunde from Plum City shared some photos and know-how for a project that went over very well in Plum City, and used up some of the backlog of CDs that have been withdrawn for one reason or another.

Decorated side of CDs

“This was a very simple craft to have the kids do. All we did was save every CD (that we were either replacing or deleting) for a year. Then we found jpg’s of all the continents in a round (or as close to round as we could get) shape and color copied these. Our very able assistant Alex cut out the shapes. We asked the kids to pick a continent, taped the shape on the non playing side and turned the CD’s over and let the kids have at it with paints, fabric markers, and sharpies. We hung the end results from a clothesline close to our front door, the kids like finding theirs and searching for what a friends craft may look like.”

Continents side of CDs

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