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DVD/Blu-ray Template

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  • The first step in adding an item to the MORE database is to search the database for a matching record.  The most direct way to do this is to search by ISBN (or UPC if working with an AV item).  If no match is found, try searching by title. Please refer to the Item Records — Searching for a matching record section for further details on determining whether or not an item needs an additional bib record created.
  • Information to fill out a bibliographic record can be taken from the entire resource.  Use square brackets only for information taken from outside the resource.  **This is a change from AACR2 (former cataloging code)
  • Each subfield must be bracketed separately.
  • Transcription plays a much larger role.
  • In general, abbreviations are spelled out in RDA except for units of measurement.
  • Subfield a (|a) is assumed in Sierra and therefore not shown
  • Click on Tools/MARC tag info when editing a bibliographic record in Sierra for more information on tags, indicators, and subfields
  • Starred (*) fields are considered core elements (must be included if applicable).  Records brought in through Z39.50 must include these core elements.


  • Most fields end with a period or other mark of punctuation
  • Always end with a period (regardless of other marks of punctuation)
    • 245, 250, 590
  • Do not end with a period
    • 007, 008, 010, 020, 028, 040, 082, 246, 264 _4 (copyright statement), 336-338, 34x, 38x, 490, 510, 586
  • Click on the following link from Minitex to find more detailed punctuation tips, Punctuation cheat sheet

Sierra Fixed Fields

  • Fill in all the fixed fields
  • Double-click within a field to find the codes used to fill in the appropriate fields
  • LANG should match Language in the 008 field
  • Enter “t” for today’s date in the CAT DATE field
  • Fill in the appropriate cataloging code in the CATCODES field.  All libraries should be entering “o” for short order bibliographic records or “s” for short bibliographic records when creating bibliographic records
  • The SKIP digit should match the 245 second indicator.  This is used to tell the computer where to start indexing the title
  • BIB LVL should be “m” for monograph unless it is a serial record (used when a resource is published continuously or in several issues/editions)
  • COUNTRY should match the first 264 |a for place of publication
  • Fill in your library’s two letter location code
  • Fill in the appropriate format code

*MARC Leader

    • The leader is the first field of a MARC record.  It has 24 character positions (00-23).  It consists of data elements that contain numbers or coded values that provide information for processing the record.
    • When cursor is in the leader, press Ctrl plus “r” simultaneously to expand (or collapse) the field or right-click and select Expand or Collapse field
    • Rec Type (type of record) should be coded “g” for projected medium
    • Cat Form (descriptive cataloging form) should be coded “a” for AACR2 records or “i” for RDA records

001  Control number

    • This field is used for the OCLC number.  It should be retained ONLY in those records brought in from OCLC.

*007  Physical description fixed field 

    • Do not delete
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Use Ctrl plus “r” simultaneously to expand (and collapse) the field or right-click and select Expand or Collapse field
    • Double-click within a field to find the codes used to fill in the appropriate fields
    • The most common 007 field for a dvd is “vd cvaizu”.  This would be good to put in a macro
    • If a dvd is in stereo, change the ConfPlay to “s” for stereo or “q” for quadraphonic/surround
    • If a dvd is blu-ray, change the Format to “s”
    • If this is a combo pack, add two 007s, one for the dvd and one for the blu-ray

*008  Fixed-length data elements

    • Do not delete
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Make sure Dat Type (typically “s” for single date, “t” when including both publication and copyright dates, “p” for distribution and production dates), Date, Country (place of publication), Run Time (in minutes), Audience, Type Mat, Techniq, Language
    • If Run Time is over 999 minutes, enter 999
    • Use Ctrl plus “r” simultaneously to expand (and collapse) the field or right-click and select Expand or Collapse field
    • Double-click within a field to find the codes used to fill in the appropriate fields

010  LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number)

    • Always add if available
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Do not include dashes between numbers.
    • Add zeroes to normalize number out to eight digits if resource is published before 2001
      • 93-3589 would become 93003589
    • Starting with publication year of 2001, numbers include all four numbers of copyright year
      • 010 __  2011024775

*020  ISBN (International Standard Book Number)

  • Always add if available
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Do not include dashes or spaces between parts of ISBN.  Include binding or edition information in |q enclosed in parentheses following ISBN; if there is more than one qualifier, they are separated by a ;|q but enclosed in one set of parentheses Examples of qualifiers
      • 020 __  9781469279878|q(Rental edition)

*024  Other Standard Identifier

    • This field is typically used for the UPC found on the back of the container or the insert.  If a scanner is attached to the computer, scan the UPC
    • Enter the UPC without spaces or hyphens
    • First indicator
      • 1 = Universal Product Code (UPC)
      • 3 = International Article Number
    • Second indicator is usually blank
    • Examples
      • 024 1_  031398176275

*028  Publisher Number

    • Formatted publisher number
    • First indicator = 4 (for videorecording number)
    • Second indicator = 2 (for note, no added entry)
    • Subfield a = Publisher number
    • Subfield b = Source/publisher
    • Example
      • 028 42  438652|bLionsgate

033  Date/Time and Place of an Event

    • Contains coded data about the date/time and/or place of recording or broadcast
    • This information in textual form is contained in field 518
    • First indicator = Type of date
      • Blank = no date given
      • 0 = Single date
      • 1 = Multiple single dates
      • 2 = Range of dates
    • Second indicator = Type of event
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 0 = Capture
      • 1 = Broadcast
    • Subfield a = Formatted date/time
    • Subfield b = Geographic classification area code listed in LC Geography classification schedules
    • Subfield c = Geographic classification subarea code
    • Subfield p = Place of event
    • Subfield 2 = Source of term
    • Examples
      • 033 1_  19890408|a19890409
      • 033 2_  19890408|a19890819
      • 033 00  19770503|b3804|cR6

035  System Control Number

    • This number should be retained for OCLC records only.

*040  Cataloging Source

    • The MARC code or the name of the organizations that created the original record, assigned content or modified an existing MARC record.  It also indicates the language of cataloging and may identify the cataloging rules used to create this record.
    • The preferred order is |a|b|e|c|d
    • Since most libraries do not catalog on OCLC, the language of cataloging and the cataloging rules used to create this record are what needs to be included.
    • Subfield b = language of cataloging
    • Subfield e = cataloging rules
    • Examples
      • 040 __  |aDLC|beng|erda|cDLC  (Library of Congress)
      • 040 __  |aGHI|beng|erda|cGHI  (IFLS)
      • 040 __  |beng|erda (record created in Sierra or a record brought in using Z39.50)
        • The 040 data can be added to a record using constant data.  Add the 040 line, press Tab to go to the data section, and enter “%”, “r40”, then press Enter or right click once the field has been added, select Substitution Phrases, highlight the correct line, then click Use

*041  Language Code

    • The codes for the languages associated with an item when the fixed field element (in 008 field) doesn’t convey full information for a multilingual item or for an item that involves translation.
    • First indicator
      • Blank = no information provided
      • 0 = Item is not a translation/does not include a translation
      • 1 = Item is or includes a translation
    • Second indicator (Source of code)
      • Blank = MARC language code
      • 7 = Source specified in subfield 2
    • Subfield a = Language code of text/sound track
    • Subfield h = Language code of original
    • Subfield j = Language code of subtitles or captions
    • Click here to access the MARC 21 Code List for Languages
    • Examples
      • 041 1_  eng|jeng|jspa|heng   (item is in English, with English and Spanish subtitles)
      • 041 1_  eng|afre|aspa|jeng|jfre|jpor|jspa|hspa  (item is in English, with French and Spanish soundtracks and English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish subtitles)

043 Geographic Area Code

    • Contains the geographic area code which can be an aid to a subject approach to the resource
    • Each code has seven character positions which must be filled in
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Click here to access the MARC 21 Code List for Geographic Areas
    • Example
      • nl—–   (Great Lakes region)
      • n-us—  (United States)

082  Dewey Decimal Classification Number

    • First indicator (Type of edition)
      • Blank = No edition information recorded
      • 0 = Full edition
      • 1 = Abridged edition
    • Second indicator (Source of number)
      • 0 = assigned by Library of Congress
      • 4 = assigned by other agency
    • Subfield a = Classification number
    • Subfield 2 = Edition (prefer 22nd or 23rd edition of Dewey Decimal System)
    • Prime or slash in the call number indicates an abridged (or shorter) class number
    • Examples
      • 082 04  813/.54|aB|223
      • 082 00  616.8’31|222

100-130 Name/Uniform Title Fields

**NOTE: All name headings must be verified.

100   Personal Name

    • Check authority record (by pressing Ctrl plus “g” simultaneously or right-click and select Verify Headings to take you to browse view of the author’s name) for correct form of name, numeration (|b), dates (|d), titles (|c), or fuller form of the name (|q)
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Forename (used for single names such as Madonna)
      • 1 = Surname (used for single inverted names such as Eastwood, Clint)
    • Second indicator is blank
    • Subfield a = Personal name
    • Subfield b = Numeration
    • Subfield c = Titles
    • Subfield d = Dates
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Subfield q = Fuller form of name
    • Most DVDs are entered under title or uniform title (130) unless they are music/concert films or lectures
    • Examples
      • 100 0_  Madonna,|d1958-|ecomposer,|eperformer.
      • 100 1_  Heffernan, James A.

110  Corporate Name

    • Check authority record for correct form of name (by pressing Ctrl plus “g” simultaneously or right-click and select Verify Heading)
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Inverted name
      • 1 = Jurisdiction name
      • 2 = Name in direct order (most common)
    • Second indicator is blank
    • Subfield a = Corporate name
    • Subfield b = Subordinate unit
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Most DVDs are entered under title or uniform title (130) unless they are music/concert films.
    • Example
      • 110 2_  Led Zeppelin (Musical group)

*130  Uniform Title

    • A uniform title used as a main entry heading.  It’s used when a work is entered directly under the title and the work has appeared under varying titles.  Use MARC field 245 for the title that appears on the resource.
    • Use for anonymous works, for resources that need a unique title created, or for resources originally released in a different language
    • Use for feature films followed by (Motion picture); add a year if needed to differentiate between two different versions
    • Use for complete TV series (individual seasons or episodes are entered in 730)
    • First indicator
      • Nonfiling characters
    • Second indicator is blank
    • Subfield a = uniform title
    • Subfield f = Date of work
    • Subfield l = Language
    • Subfield s = Version
    • Examples
      • 130 0_  Ocean’s eleven (Motion picture : 1960)
      • 130 0_  Ocean’s eleven (Motion picture : 2001)
      • 130 0_  Iron Man 3 (Motion picture)


2xx Title/Edition/Imprint Fields

240  Uniform title

    • A particular title by which a work that has appeared under varying titles is to be identified for cataloging purposes
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Not printed or displayed
      • 1 = Printed or displayed
    • Second indicator
      • Number of non-filing characters
    • Subfield a = Uniform title
    • Subfield l = Language of a work
    • Subfield m = Medium of performance
    • Subfield n = Number of part/section of work
    • Subfield p = Name of part/section of work
    • Subfield s = Version

*245  Title proper

    • Always ends in a period
    • Transcribe this field exactly as it appears in the resource
    • MORE is using sentence case to record the title.  Capitalize the first letter of the first word of the title and all proper nouns (regardless of how it appears on the resource).  Also capitalize acronyms (such as MORE) if that is how they commonly appear
    • First indicator
      • 0 = No title added access point (no author listed in the 1xx field)
      • 1 = Title added access point (1xx field exists)
    • Second indicator
      • Number of non-filing characters; this must match SKIP in fixed fields at the top of the bibliographic record
      • A = 2; An = 3; The = 4
      • Be aware of articles in other languages; French (Le, La, Les), Spanish (El, La, Los, Las)
    • Subfield a = Title proper
    • Subfield p = Part of title
    • Subfield n = Number of title
    • Subfield b = Subtitle
    • Subfield c = Statement of responsibility
      • List companies and individuals responsible for the creation of this work (this includes production companies, producers, writers, and directors)
      • List all companies and individuals as they appear on the resource
    • Examples
      • 130 0_  Frozen ground (Motion picture)
      • 245 14  The frozen ground /|cGrindstone Entertainment Group and Emmett/Furla Films present a Cheetah Vision Films production in association with Emmett/Furla Films, Court Five, Envision Entertainment and Valentina Films ; produced by Mark Ordesky, Jane Fleming, Randall Emmett, Curtis Jackson, Remington Chase, Jeff Rice ; written and directed by Scott Walker.
      • 245 00  Duck dynasty.|nSeason 2 /|cproduced by Guerney Productions for A&E Network.
      • 245 00  Heritage Books arcives.|pUnderwood biographical dictionary.

246  Varying form of title

    • Additional title access to portions of the title or other title information
    • Do not include initial articles
    • Can include a part or subtitle
    • First indicator
      • 1 = Note, added entry
      • 3 = No note, added entry
    • Second indicator
      • 0 = Portion of title
      • 3 = Other title
      • 4 = Cover title
      • 8 = Spine title
    • Click on Tools/MARC tag info for more information on indicators
    • Examples
      • 245 10  Game of thrones.|nThe complete second season
      • 246 3_  Game of thrones.|nThe complete 2nd season
      • 246 3_  Game of thrones.|nComplete second season
      • 246 3_  Game of thrones.|nComplete 2nd season
      • 246 3_  Game of thrones.|nSeason 2
      • 246 3_  Game of thrones.|nSeason two
      • 245 00  Dora the explorer.|pDance to the rescue
      • 246 30  Dance to the rescue

*250  Edition

    • The 250 field is only added when there is an edition statement on the front cover. Do not abbreviate unless terms are abbreviated in the resource
    • Edition field is repeatable; so if there are multiple edition statements, they can be entered in separate edition statements
    • Always ends in a period
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Examples
      • 250 __  Remastered edition.
      • 250 __  Extended ed.
      • 250 — Special Director’s Cut.

257  Country of Producing Entity

    • The names of the countries where the principal offices of the producers of a resource are located
    • Corresponds to information in the statement of responsibility (245 |c)
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Country of producing entity
    • Subfield 2 = Source of code
    • Examples
      • 257 __  United States.
      • 257 __  United States|2naf
      • 257 __  France ; Italy.
      • 257 __  France|aItaly|2naf
      • 257 __  [Place of publication not identified]

*264  Imprint (repeatable field)

    • First indicator
      • Blank = Not applicable, earliest
      • 2 = Intervening (used for serial titles)
      • 3 = Current/latest (used for serial titles)
    • Second indicator
      • 0 = Production
      • 1 = Publication
      • 2 = Distribution
      • 3 = Manufacture
      • 4 = Copyright notice
    • Subfield a = Place
    • Subfield b = Name
    • Subfield c = Date
    • The publication statement is a core element and must be filled in.  The information can be inferred or found elsewhere or it can be indicated that the information is unknown.  It is strongly preferred to put something in these fields to help patrons identify this information.  If you are making an educated guess, put a question mark at the end of the field.  If you are supplying information, it needs to be in square brackets.  Each subfield needs to be bracketed separately
      • 264 _1  [Place of publication not identified] :|b[publisher not identified],|c2013.
      • 264 _1  [United States?] :|b[publisher not identified],|c2013.
      • 264 _1  Burbank, Calif. :|b[Warner Home Video?],|c[2013?]
    • If no publication information is known, but a distributor or manufacturer is known, two imprint statements must be created
      • 264 _1 [United States?] :|b[publisher not identified],|c2013.
      • 264 _2 [Manhattan Beach, California] :|bParamount,|c2013.
    • Sometimes a distributor will also be listed on the resource.  This can be entered in a second 264 element.
      • 264 _1  New York :|bHBO Entertainment,|c2004.
      • 264 _2  |bDistributed by Warner Bros. Entertainment Australia.
    • If the copyright date is different from the publication date, two statements must be created.  The copyright symbol must be used in the copyright statement (can be found in Sierra under Tools/Character map/Marc 8 Plus) or the word copyright can be spelled out.  The copyright element does not end in a period.
      • 264 _1  Los Angeles :|bRCA,|c2013.
      • 264 _4  |c©2009

3xx Fields

*300  Physical description

    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = extent
      • Approximately is spelled out; hours and minutes are abbreviated; change time in minutes to hr. and minutes
      • 2 videodiscs (2 hr., 3 min.)
      • 1 videodisc (approximately 2 hr.)
    • Subfield b = other physical details
      • sound, color
      • silent, black and white
    • Subfield c = dimensions
      • 4 3/4 in.
    • Subfield e = Accompanying material
      • 1 booklet (16 pages)
      • 1 CD
    • Example
      • 300 __  1 videodisc (45 min.) :|bsound, color ;|c4 3/4 in. +|e1 booklet.

*336  Content type

    • The form of communication through which a work is expressed
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Content type term
    • Subfield b = Content type code
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Subfield 3 = Material specified (used when describing two different items in the resource, such as a sound recording with an accompanying DVD)
    • For a complete list of content terms, see RDA Content Type
    • The 336 data can be added to a record using constant data.  Add the 336 line, press Tab to go to the data section, and enter “%”, “d336”, then press Enter or right click once the field has been added, select Substitution Phrases, highlight the correct line, then click Use
    • Can also include a code for the term
      • 336 __  two-dimensional moving image|btdi|2rdacontent  OR
      • 336 __  two-dimensional moving image|2rdacontent
    • Use multiple content types for resources including more than one carrier (such as a music DVD and CD)
      • 336 __  |3DVD|atwo-dimensional moving image|2rdacontent
      • 336 __  |3CD|aperformed music|2rdacontent

*337  Media type

    • Media type reflects the type of device required to view, play or run the content of a resource
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Media type term
    • Subfield b = Media type code
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Subfield 3 = Material specified
    • For a complete list of media terms, see RDA Media type
    • The 337 data can be added to a record using constant data.  Add the 337 line, press Tab to go to the data section, and enter “%”, “d337”, then press Enter or right click once the field has been added, select Substitution Phrases, highlight the correct line, then click Use
    • Can also include a code for the term
      • 337 __  video|2rdamedia  OR
      • 337 __  video|bv|2rdamedia
    • Use multiple media types with a subfield 3 to describe resources with more than one carrier
      • 337 __  |3DVD|avideo|2rdamedia
      • 337 __  |3book|aunmediated|2rdamedia

*338  Carrier type

    • Carrier type reflects the format of the storage medium and housing of the carrier
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Carrier type term
    • Subfield b = Carrier type code
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Subfield 3 = Material specified
    • For a complete list of carrier terms, see RDA Carrier Type
    • The 338 data can be added to a record using constant data.  Add the 338 line, press Tab to go to the data section, and enter “%”, “d338”, then press Enter or right click once the field has been added, select Substitution Phrases, highlight the correct line, then click Use
    • Can also include a code for the term
      • 338 __  videodisc|2rdacarrier   OR
      • 338 __  videodisc|bvd|2rdacarrier
    • Use multiple carrier types with a subfield 3 to describe resources with more than one carrier
      • 338 __  |3DVD|avideodisc|2rdacarrier
      • 338 __  |3book|avolume|2rdacarrier

*344  Sound Characteristics

    • Technical specifications relating to the encoding of sound in a resource
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Type of recording
    • Subfield b = Recording medium
    • Subfield c = Playing speed
    • Subfield g = Playback channels
    • Subfield h = Special playback characteristics
    • Subfield 2 = Source (record when terms are from a controlled list)
    • Examples
      • 344 __  digital|boptical|gsurround|hDolby digital 5.1|2rda
      • 344 __  digital|boptical|gstereo|2rda

*346  Video Characteristics

    • Technical specifications relating to the encoding of analog video images in a resource
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield b = Broadcast standard (system used to format a video resource for television broadcast)
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Examples
        • 346 __  |bNTSC|2rda
        • 346 __  |bPAL|2rda

*347  Digital File Characteristics

    • Technical specification relating to the digital encoding of text, image audio, video and other types of data in a resource.  This information could also be recorded in field 300 subfield b.
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = File type
    • Subfield b = Encoding format
    • Subfield e = Regional encoding
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Examples
      • 347 __  video file|bDVD video|eregion 1|2rda
      • 347 __  video file|bblu-ray|2rda

380  Form of Work

    • Class or genre to which a work belongs
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Examples
      • 380 __  Motion picture
      • 380 __  Television program
      • 380 __  Made-for-TV movie

4xx Series Fields

  • *490  Series Fields
    • The statement is transcribed exactly as it is found on the resource
    • Include initial articles and terms found before the series number (part, volume, v., #, no)
    • This field is repeatable
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Series not traced (there is NOT an accompanying 8xx field)
      • 1 = Series is traced (there is an accompanying 8xx field)
    • Second indicator is blank
    • Subfield a = series statement
    • Subfield v = volume statement
    • For more information on cataloging series, see MORE Series Statements
    • Examples
      • 490 0_  MGM classic   **This will not be searchable in the series index but will be searchable through keyword
      • 490 1_  PBS explorer collection   **There will be an accompanying 830 series which is searchable in the title and keyword indexes.

5xx  Notes Fields

*538  System Details

    • A note about the system information for the resource.
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Examples
      • 538 __  DVD; Region 1; NTSC; Dolby Digital; widescreen 2.40:1.
      • 538 __  DVD; widescreen presentation (2.40:1); NTSC; region 1; Dolby digital 5.1 and DVS 2.0.
      • 538 __  Blu-ray Disc; all regions; widescreen (2.40:1) presentation; 7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, DVS 2.0 Dolby digital.

*546  Language Note

    • Textual information on the language used to convey the content of the resource
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Examples
      • 546 __  English, French, and Spanish language tracks; with optional English subtitles for the deaf and hearing impaired (SDH) and optional French and Spanish subtitles; optional English audio-description.
      • 546 __  English, French or Spanish dialogue; English, French or Spanish subtitles; English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing.
      • 546 __  In English SDH.

500  General note

    • Both indicators are blank
    • Must include note on source of title
    • Examples
      • 500 __  Originally released as a motion picture in 2015.
      • 500 __  Originally broadcast by BBC2 in 2016.
      • 500 — Wide screen.
      • 500 __  Title from disc label.
      • 500 __  Title from container.

*511  Participant or Performer Note

    • Note about the participants, players, narrators, presenters, or performers.
    • If names are included in a 511 note, must add 7xx field for each name
    • First indicator
      • 0 = No display constant
      • 1 = Cast
    • Second indicator = blank
    • Examples
      • 511 1_  Robert Downey, Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Gwyneth Paltrow.
      • 511 0_  Eric Toensmeier, host.
      • 511 0_  Voices: John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, Billy Crystal, Helen Mirren, Sean Hayes.

*508  Creation/Production Credits

    • Note about the individuals and/or organizations who have participated in the artistic or technical production of a work to a significant degree
    • If names are included in a 508 note, must add 7xx field for each name
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Example
      • 508 __  Director of photography, Seamus McGarvey; editors, Jeffrey Ford, Lisa Lassek; music, Alan Silvestri.

518  Date/Time and Place of an Event Note

    • Note on the date/time and/or place of broadcast, capture, or creation associated with an event
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Example
      • 518 __  Recorded live December 10th, 2007, O2 Arena, London.

*521  Target Audience Note

      • A note about the target audience for the described material; contents are considered appropriate for a specific audience or intellectual level.
      • If source of rating is indicated, include it.
      • First indicator
        • 8 = No display constant
      • Second indicator is blank
      • Subfield a = Note
      • Subfield b = Source
      • Examples
        • 521 8_  Not rated.
        • 521 8_  TV PG.
        • 521 8_  CHV rating: G.
        • 521 8_  MPAA rating: PG-13; for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action throughout, and a mild drug reference.

*520  Summary

    • A brief note that describes the scope and general contents of the resource
    • In general, both indicators are blank.  Check Tools/MARC Tag Info in Sierra for more information
    • All fiction resources should have a summary
    • If a record does not have a summary, one can be created or copied from another source.  If a summary is copied word for word from another source, the summary should be in quotation marks and the source should quoted at the end of the field.  Sources for summary statements include: Amazon, Internet Movie Database (IMDb), and publisher websites.
    • Examples
      • 520 __  Nick Fury unites the superhero team of Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye to battle for Earth against Loki and his army.

505  Contents note

    • Use for episode titles or titles of movies contained in a dvd set.
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Complete contents
      • 1 = Incomplete contents (resource not in hand, cataloger has listed what is available)
      • 2 = Partial contents (resource is in hand, complete contents not listed)
    • Second indicator
      • Blank = Basic
      • 0 = Enhanced  (means entries are searchable; |t elements are searched in the title index and in the keyword index.  |r elements (authors/performers) are searchable in the keyword index; to be searchable in the author index, a 7xx field must be added
    • Subfield a = Contents note
    • Subfield g = Miscellaneous information not indexed
    • Subfield r = Statement of responsibility
    • Put a space hyphen space ( — ) between each item in a regular contents note; if it is an enhanced contents note with delimiters and subfield codes, use space hyphen|t ( –|t)
    • Examples
      • 505 0_  Operation shufongfong — Mouse house of the future — Reported missing
        • Searchable only in keyword index unless 740 analytical title fields are entered for each episode
      • 505 00  |tOperation shufongfong –|tMouse house of the future –|tReported missing.
        • Movie or episode titles searchable in both the title and keyword indexes.
      • 505 0   Disc 1. Send in the clones ; Sphinx for the memories ; Where no duck has gone before ; Armstrong ; Robot robbers ; Magica’s shadow war ; Master of the djinni ; Hotel Strangeduck ; The lost crown of Genghis Khan — Disc 2. Duckman of Aquatraz ; The money vanishes ; Sir Gyro de Gearloose ; Dinosaur ducks ; Hero for hire — Superdoo! ; Maid of the myth ; Down and out in Duckburg ; Much ado about Scrooge — Disc 3. Top duck ; The pearl of wisdom ; The curse of Castle McDuck ; Launchpad’s civil war ; Sweet duck of youth ; Earthquack ; Home sweet Homer ; Bermuda Triangle tangle ; Microducks from outer space.
        • Searchable only in keyword index unless 740 analytical title fields are entered for each episode
      • 505 00  |gDisc 1.|tNothing but the truth ;|tNapoleon’s boney parts ;|tLegs –|gdisc 2.|tUnnatural disasters|tU.S. male ;|tCruel and unusual punishments –|gDisc 3.|tSecret identities ;|tOut o’ time.
        • Movie or episode titles searchable in both the title and keyword indexes.  Disc numbers are not indexed

*500  Special Features note

      • Both indicators are blank
      • Example
        • 500 __  Special features: theatrical short; audio commentary.

586  Awards note (no period at end of line)

    • This field is repeatable; only one award per note
    • Both indicators are blank
    • If the award has categories, follow the format:
      • Award for Category, Year, Name
    • For list of approved awards, see MORE Awards
    • Example
      • 586 __  Academy Award for Best Picture, 2012
      • 586 __  Golden Globe for Best Actress, 1992, Jodie Foster

590  Local note

    • Use sparingly as this note must be deleted BY YOU when your item is deleted!
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Enter your two letter library code at the beginning of the note
    • Always ends in a period

6xx Subject/Genre Fields

**NOTE: All subject headings must be verified.  Check authority record (by pressing Ctrl plus “g” simultaneously or right-click and select Verify Heading to take you to browse view in the subject index) for correct form of the access point

600  Subject Heading, Personal Name

    • First indicator
      • 0 = Forename
      • 1 = Surname
    • Second indicator
      • 0 = Library of Congress
      • 1 = Library of Congress subject headings for children’s literature  **Do NOT use
      • 7 = Source specified in subfield |2
    • Subfields are not typically in alphabetical order
    • Subfield a = Personal name
    • Subfield c = Titles and other words
    • Subfield d = Dates
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Subfield q = Fuller form of name
    • Subfield v = Form subdivision
      • |vDrama  **add to all adult fiction resources at the end of the field
      • |vJuvenile films  **add to all juvenile resources at the end of the field
    • Subfield x = General subdivision
    • Subfield y = Chronological subdivision
    • Subfield z = Geographical subdivision
    • Examples
      • 600 10  Loving, Richard Perry|xTrials, litigation, etc.
      • 600 10  Kennedy, John F.|q(John Fitzgerald),|d1917-1963|vJuvenile films.
      • 600 10  Lincoln, Abraham,|d1809-1865|vDrama.

610  Subject Heading, Corporate Name

      • First indicator
        • 0 = Inverted name
        • 1 = Jurisdiction name
        • 2 = Name in direct order
      • Second indicator
        • 0 = Library of Congress
        • 1 = Library of Congress subject headings for children’s literature  **Do NOT use
        • 7 = Source specified in subfield |2
      • Subfields are not typically in alphabetical order
      • Subfield a = Corporate name
      • Subfield b = Subordinate unit
      • Subfield v = Form subdivision
        • |vDrama  **add to all adult fiction resources at the end of the field
        • |vJuvenile films  **add to all juvenile resources at the end of the field
      • Subfield x = General subdivision
      • Subfield y = Chronological subdivision
      • Subfield z = Geographical subdivision
      • Examples
        • 610 10  United States.|bArmy|vDrama.
        • 610 20  Green Bay Packers (Football team)

650  Subject Heading, Topical Term

      • First indicator is blank
      • Second indicator
        • 0 = Library of Congress
        • 1 = Library of Congress subject headings for children’s literature  **Do NOT use
        • 7 = Source specified in subfield |2
        • 8 = Sears subject heading   **Do NOT use
      • Subfields are not typically in alphabetical order
      • Subfield a = Topical term
      • Subfield v = Form subdivision
        • |vDrama  **add to all adult fiction resources at the end of the field
        • |vJuvenile films  **add to all juvenile resources at the end of the field
      • Subfield x = General subdivision
      • Subfield y = Chronological subdivision
      • Subfield z = Geographical subdivision
      • Examples
        • 650 _0  Frogs|vJuvenile films.
        • 650 _0  Sisters|vDrama.
        • 650 _0  Automobiles|xHistory.
        • 650 _7  Monstruos|vTeatro.|2bidex

651  Subject Heading, Geographical Term

      • First indicator is blank
      • Second indicator
        • 0 = Library of Congress
        • 1 = Library of Congress subject headings for children’s literature  **Do not use
        • 7 = Source specified in subfield |2
      • Subfields are not typically in alphabetical order
      • Subfield a = Topical term
      • Subfield v = Form subdivision
        • |vDrama  **add to all adult fiction resources at the end of the field
        • |vJuvenile films  **add to all juvenile resources at the end of the field
      • Subfield x = General subdivision
      • Subfield y = Chronological subdivision
      • Subfield z = Geographical subdivision
      • Examples
        • 651 _0  North America|xGeography.
        • 651 _0  United States|xHistory|yCivil War, 1861-1865|vDrama.

655  Genre/Form Heading, Source specified in subfield  (|2)

  • A term indicating the form, genre, and/or physical characteristics of the materials begin described.  It’s what the resource “is”, not what it’s about
      • First indicator is blank
      • Second indicator = 7
      • Subfield a = Genre term
      • Subfield 2 = Source of term/thesaurus
      • MORE is only using terms from the Library of Congress genre/form term thesaurus (|2lcgft).  Genre headings should all have authority records, so make sure the authorized form is selected when verifying headings.
      • Examples
        • 655 _7  Children’s films.|2lcgft  **add to all juvenile film/movie resources
        • 655 _7  Children’s television programs.|2lcgft  **add to all juvenile television program resources
        • 655 _7  Feature films.|2lcgft
        • 655 _7  Video recordings for the hearing impaired.|2lcgft
        • 655 _7  Television series.|2lcgft

7xx  Access Points

**NOTE: All name headings must be verified.  Check authority record (by pressing Ctrl plus “g” simultaneously or right-click and select Verify Heading to take you to browse view in the author’s index) for correct form of name

700  Access Point, Personal name

    • A personal name used as an access point
    • All authors and performers need an access point
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Forename
      • 1 = Surname
    • Second indicator
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 2 = Analytical entry
    • Subfield a = Personal name
    • Subfield c = Titles and other words
    • Subfield d = Dates
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Subfield q = Fuller form of name
    • Subfield t = Title of a work
    • Examples
      • 700 0_  Cher,|d1946-|eactor.
      • 700 1_  Goodman, John,|d1952-|eactor.
      • 700 1_  Banks, Elizabeth,|d1974-|efilm director,|eactor.
      • 700 1_  Shakespeare, William,|d1564-1616.|tMuch ado about nothing.  (film based on Shakespeare’s work titled Much ado about nothing)

710  Access Point, Corporate Name

    • A corporate name used as an access point.
    • If you do not know the role of the company, do not include a relator code.
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Inverted name
      • 1 = Jurisdiction name
      • 2 = Name in direct order
    • Second indicator
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 2 = Analytical entry  (not typically used)
    • Subfield a = Corporate name
    • Subfield b = Subordinate unit
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Examples
      • 710 2_  Relativity Media,|eproduction company.
      • 710 2_  Pixar (Firm)
      • 710 2_  Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.,|efilm distributor.
      • 710 2_  Anchor Bay Entertainment, Inc.,|epublisher,|efilm distributor.

730  Added entry, Uniform Title

    • An access point for anonymous works, names of magazines and newspapers, radio and television programs
    • First indicator
      • 0-9 Filing characters
    • Second indicator
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 2 = Analytical entry (not typically used)
    • Examples
      • 730 0_  Unsolved mysteries (Television program)

740  Access Point, Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title

    • Uncontrolled means that one has not checked the authority record
    • This field is used for parts of a work.  It’s often used for the second title when there are two titles entered in the 245 title field.
    • Can be used for individual titles in a 505 Contents note.  This is not used very often because formatted contents notes (505 00) are used where the title is automatically indexed in the title index.
    • First indicator = 0
      • Use “0”, do not enter the initial article
    • Second indicator = 2
      • Used to indicate an analytical title (separate work listed in the 245 Title proper field)
    • Example
      • 245 00  Alien ;|bAlien 2 ; AVP.
      • 740 02  Alien 2.
      • 740 02  AVP.

8xx Fields (Series: Authorized form and Electronic access)

**NOTE: All series headings must be verified.  Check authority record (by pressing Ctrl plus “g” simultaneously or right-click and select Verify Heading to take you to browse view) for the correct form of the series

800  Series Access Point, Personal Name

    • This field is used for the authorized heading of a series written by one author
    • DVD series are generally not cataloged under author
    • For more information on cataloging series, see MORE Series Statements

830  Series Access Point, Uniform Title

    • This field is used for the authorized form of series with more than one author
    • For more information on cataloging series, see MORE Series Statements
    • First indicator is blank
    • Second indicator = 0
      • used for non-filing characters, but initial articles are not included
    • Subfield a = Series title
    • Subfield v = Volume
      • Format is:  Title ;|vNumber of series.
      • Use arabic numbers (1, 2…)
      • Do not include the words volume, book, part or number as part of the volume statement (number only)
    • Examples
      • 830 _0  PBS explorer collection.
      • 830 _0  Big Idea’s VeggieTales.
      • 830 _0  Cities of the world ;|v134.

856  Electronic Location and Access

    • Contains information required to locate and access an electronic item
    • Primarily used to add a link to a movie trailer
    • First indicator (Access method)
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 4 = HTTP
    • Second indicator (Relationship)
      • 0 = Resource
      • 1 = Version of resource
      • 2 = Related resource
    • Subfields
      • a = Host name
      • u = Uniform Resource Identifier
      • z = Public note
      • 3 = Materials specified
    • Examples
      • 856 41  |zWATCH THE THEATRICAL TRAILER|uhttp://www.youtube.com/v/guMumPFBag?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0
      • 856 41  |zWATCH THE THEATRICAL TRAILER|uhttp://www.rottentomatoes.com

DVD Example

Blu-ray Example