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Music CD Template

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  • The first step in adding an item to the MORE database is to search the database for a matching record.  The most direct way to do this is to search by ISBN (or UPC if working with an AV item).  If no match is found, try searching by title. Please refer to the Item Records — Searching for a matching record section for further details on determining whether or not an item needs an additional bib record created.
  • Information to fill out a bibliographic record can be taken from the entire resource.  Use square brackets only for information taken from outside the resource.
  • Each subfield must be bracketed separately.
  • In general, abbreviations are spelled out in RDA except for units of measurement.
  • Subfield a (|a) is assumed in Sierra and therefore not shown
  • Click on Tools/MARC tag info when editing a bibliographic record in Sierra for more information on tags, indicators, and subfields
  • Starred (*) fields are considered core elements (must be included if applicable).  Records brought in through Z39.50 must include these core elements.


  • Most fields end with a period or other mark of punctuation.
  • Always end with a period (regardless of other marks of punctuation)
    • 245, 250, 590
  • Do not end with a period.
    • 007, 008, 010, 020, 028, 040, 082, 246, 264 _4 (copyright statement), 336-338, 34x, 38x, 490, 510, 586
  • Click on the following link from Minitex to find more detailed punctuation tips, Punctuation cheat sheet.

Sierra Fixed Fields

  • Fill in all the fixed fields
  • Double-click within a field to find the codes used to fill in the appropriate fields
  • LANG should match Language in the 008 field
  • Enter “t” for today’s date in the CAT DATE field
  • Fill in the appropriate cataloging code in the CATCODES field.  All libraries should be entering “o” for short order bibliographic records or “s” for short bibliographic records when creating bibliographic records
  • The SKIP digit should match the 245 second indicator.  This is used to tell the computer where to start indexing the title
  • BIB LVL should be “m” for monograph unless it is a serial record (used when a resource is published continuously or in several issues/editions)
  • COUNTRY should match the first 264 |a for place of publication
  • Fill in your library’s two letter location code
  • Fill in the appropriate format code

MARC Leader

    • The leader is the first field of a MARC record.  It has 24 character positions (00-23).  It consists of data elements that contain numbers or coded values that provide information for processing the record.
    • When cursor is in the leader, press Ctrl plus “r” simultaneously to expand (or collapse) the field or right-click and select Expand or Collapse field
    • Rec Type (type of record) should be coded “j” for musical sound recording.
    • Cat Form (descriptive cataloging form) should be coded “a” for AACR2 records or “i” for RDA records.

001-099 Fields

001  Control number

    • This field is used for the OCLC number.  It should be retained ONLY in those records brought in from OCLC.

*007  Physical description fixed field 

    • Do not delete
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Use Ctrl plus “r” simultaneously to expand (and collapse) the field or right-click and select Expand or Collapse field
    • Double-click within a field to find the codes used to fill in the appropriate fields
    • The most common 007 field for a music cd is “sd fungnnmmned”.  This would be good to put in a macro.
    • If an music cd is in stereo, change the ConfPlay to “s”

*008  Fixed-length data elements

    • Do not delete
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Make sure the Dat Type “p” as the date of distribution and production when different, Country (place of publication), FormComp, Format, MusicPts, Audience, Trans/arr, Language fields are filled in
    • Use Ctrl plus “r” simultaneously to expand (and collapse) the field or right-click and select Expand or Collapse field
    • Double-click within a field to find the codes used to fill in the appropriate fields
    • If more than one code is appropriate for form of composition (FormComp), use the “mu” (multiple forms), with specific codes given in MARC field 047
    • If the cd is music only, the language should be coded “zxx”; this should match the language code in the fixed fields at the top of the bibliographic record

010  LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number)

    • Always add if available
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Do not include dashes between numbers.
    • Add zeroes to normalize number out to eight digists if resource is published before 2001
      • 93-3589 would become 93003589
    • Starting with publication year of 2001, numbers include all four numbers of copyright year
      • 010 __  2011024775

*020  ISBN (International Standard Book Number)

    • Always add if available
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = International Standard Book Number
    • Subfield c = Price
    • Subfield q = Qualifying information
    • Do not include dashes or spaces between parts of ISBN.  Include binding information enclosed in parentheses following ISBN in subfield q
      • 020 __  1469279878|q(library edition)
    • Any data following the ISBN must be exactly the same or it results in a false duplicate
      • 020 __  1469279851
      • 020 __  9781469279855

*024  Other Standard Identifier

    • This field is typically used for the UPC found on the back of the container or the insert.  If a scanner is attached to the computer, scan the UPC
    • Enter the UPC without spaces or hyphens
    • First indicator
      • 1 = Universal Product Code (UPC)
      • 3 = International Article Number (EAN)
    • Second indicator is usually blank
    • Examples
      • 024 1_  014551495529

*028  Publisher Number

    • The formatted publisher number for sound recordings
    • Transcribe as appears on resource; include spaces
    • Include multiple numbers if applicable, each in a separate field
      • Include at least the number on the disc label.  If recording multiple numbers, follow each number by a qualifier indicating its location (MLA)
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Issue number
      • 1 = Matrix number (usually on disc)
    • Second indicator = 2 (for note, no added entry)
    • Subfield a = Publisher number
    • Subfield b = Source/publisher
    • Subfield q = Qualifying information
    • Example
      • 028 02  ALCD 4955|bAlligator Records
      • 028 02  ALCD 4955-33|bAlligator Records|q(container spine)

033  Date/Time and Place of an Event

    • Contains coded data about the date/time and/or place of recording or broadcast
    • This information in textual form is contained in field 518
    • First indicator = Type of date
      • Blank = no date given
      • 0 = Single date
      • 1 = Multiple single dates
      • 2 = Range of dates
    • Second indicator = Type of event
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 0 = Capture
      • 1 = Broadcast
    • Subfield a = Formatted date/time
    • Subfield b = Geographic classification area code listed in LC Geography classification schedules
    • Subfield c = Geographic classification subarea code
    • Subfield p = Place of event
    • Subfield 2 = Source of term
    • Examples
      • 033 1_  19890408|a19890409
      • 033 2_  19890408|a19890819
      • 033 00  19770503|b3804|cR6

035  System Control Number

    • This number should be retained for OCLC records only.

*040  Cataloging Source

    • The MARC code or the name of the organizations that created the original record, assigned content or modified an existing MARC record.  It also indicates the language of cataloging and may identify the cataloging rules used to create this record.
    • The preferred order is |a|b|e|c|d
    • Since most libraries do not catalog on OCLC, the language of cataloging and the cataloging rules used to create this record are what needs to be included.
    • Subfield b = language of cataloging
    • Subfield e = cataloging rules
    • Examples
      • 040 __  |aDLC|beng|erda|cDLC  (Library of Congress)
      • 040 __  |aGHI|beng|erda|cGHI  (IFLS)
      • 040 __  |beng|erda (record created in Sierra or a record brought in using Z39.50)
        • The 040 data can be added to a record using constant data.  Add the 040 line, press Tab to go to the data section, and enter “%”, “r40”, then press Enter or right click once the field has been added, select Substitution Phrases, highlight the correct line, then click Use

041  Language Code

    • The codes for the languages associated with an item when the fixed field element (in 008 field) doesn’t convey full information for a multilingual item or for an item that involves translation.  The language code(s) for the audible portion of an item go in subfield d, usually the sung or spoken content of an audio recording or computer file. Record the language code(s) for the textual portion of an item in subfield ‡a.
    • First indicator
      • Blank = no information provided
      • 0 = Item is not a translation/does not include a translation
      • 1 = Item is or includes a translation
    • Second indicator (Source of code)
      • Blank = MARC language code
      • 7 = Source specified in subfield 2
    • Subfield a = Language code of text
    • Subfield d = Language code of sung or spoken text
    • Subfield h = Language code of original
    • Click here to access the MARC 21 Code List for Languages
    • Examples
      • 041 0_  eng|aspa  (item is in English and Spanish; predominant language is English since listed first)
      • 041 1_  |deng|hspa  (audible portion is in English, translated from Spanish)
      • 041 1_  |deng|dspa (audible portion in English and Spanish)

047  Form of Musical Composition Code

    • Two character codes that identify the form of musical composition.  Enter the specific multiple MARC codes when you use the code “mu” (multiple forms) in MARC field 008 FormComp
    • Click here to access the MARC Form of Musical Composition Code List
    • First indicator is blank
    • Second indicator (Source of code)
      • Blank = MARC code
      • 7 = Source specified in subfield 2
    • Subfield a = Code
    • Examples
      • 047 __  bl|ajz  (Item has both blues and jazz)

082  Dewey Decimal Classification Number

    • First indicator (Type of edition)
      • Blank = No edition information recorded
      • 0 = Full edition
      • 1 = Abridged edition
    • Second indicator (Source of number)
      • 0 = assigned by Library of Congress
      • 4 = assigned by other agency
    • Subfield a = Classification number
    • Subfield 2 = Edition (prefer 22nd or 23rd edition of Dewey Decimal System)
    • Prime or slash in the call number indicates an abridged (or shorter) class number
    • Music cd’s do not typically use Dewey classification numbers

2xx Title/Edition/Imprint Fields

100   Personal Name

    • Check authority record (by pressing Ctrl plus “g” simultaneously or right-click and select Verify Headings to take you to browse view of the author’s name) for correct form of name, numeration (|b), dates (|d), titles (|c), or fuller form of the name (|q)
    • Persons, families, and corporate bodies/groups who are performers may only be considered creators if they composed the work they perform or if they are responsible for modifying a previously existing work in a way that substantially changes the nature or content of the original and results in a new work.  The fact that a performer is prominently named in a resource is not sufficient justification for determing this fact.  **Music Library Association Best Practices.
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Forename (used for single names such as Madonna)
      • 1 = Surname (used for single inverted names such as Springsteen, Bruce)
    • Second indicator is blank
    • Subfield a = Personal name
    • Subfield b = Numeration
    • Subfield c = Titles
    • Subfield d = Dates
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Subfield q = Fuller form of name
    • Examples
      • 100 0_  Madonna,|d1958-|ecomposer,|eperformer.
      • 100 0_  50 Cent|c(Musician),|ecomposer,|eperformer.
      • 100 1_  Springsteen, Bruce,|ecomposer,|eperformer.

110  Corporate Name

    • Check authority record for correct form of name (by pressing Ctrl plus “g” simultaneously or right-click and select Verify Heading)
    • Persons, families, and corporate bodies/groups who are performers may only be considered creators if they composed the work they perform or if they are responsible for modifying a previously existing work in a way that substantially changes the nature or content of the original and results in a new work.  The fact that a performer is prominently named in a resource is not sufficient justification for determing this fact.  **Music Library Association Best Practices.
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Inverted name
      • 1 = Jurisdiction name
      • 2 = Name in direct order (most common)
    • Second indicator is blank
    • Subfield a = Corporate name
    • Subfield b = Subordinate unit
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Example
      • 110 2_  Maroon 5 (Musical group)
      • 110 2_  Wood Brothers (Blues group),|eperformer.

130  Uniform Title

    • A uniform title used as a main entry heading.  It’s used when a work is entered directly under the title and the work has appeared under varying titles.  Use MARC field 245 for the title that appears on the resource.
    • Use for anonymous works or for resources that need a unique title created (those that do not have a composer or multiple composers)
    • First indicator
      • Nonfiling characters
    • Second indicator is blank
    • Subfield a = uniform title
    • Subfield f = Date of work
    • Subfield l = Language
    • Subfield m = Medium of performance for music
    • Subfield n = Number of part/section of work
    • Subfield p = Name of part/section of work
    • Subfield r = Key for music
    • Subfield s = Version
    • Examples
      • 130 0_  Danielus ludus.
      • 130 0_  Suites,|mflute, jazz ensemble,|nno. 1.

001-099 Fields

300  Physical description

    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = extent
      • Notice change from sound discs to audio discs; approximately is spelled out; hours and minutes are abbreviated
      • 1 audio disc
      • 2 audio discs (44 min.)
    • Subfield b = other physical details  **optional according to MLA Best Practices
      • digital
      • digital, CD audio
    • Subfield c = dimensions
      • 4 3/4 in.
    • Subfield e = Accompanying material (a booklet is stapled; an insert is folded)
      • 1 booklet (16 pages)
      • 1 DVD
    • Example
      • 300 __  1 audio disc (45 min.) ;|c4 3/4 in. +|e1 booklet.

336  Content type

    • The form of communication through which a work is expressed
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Content type term
    • Subfield b = Content type code
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Subfield 3 = Material specified (used when describing two different items in the resource, such as a sound recording with an accompanying DVD)
    • For a complete list of content terms, see RDA Content Type
    • The 336 data can be added to a record using constant data.  Add the 336 line, press Tab to go to the data section, and enter “%”, “a336”, then press Enter or right click once the field has been added, select Substitution Phrases, highlight the correct line, then click Use
    • Can also include a code for the term
      • 336 __  performed music|bprm|2rdacontent  OR
      • 336 __  performed music|2rdacontent
    • Use multiple content types for resources including more than one carrier (such as a music cd and DVD)  **can also use terms from 300 field
      • 336 __  |3CD|aperformed music|2rdacontent
      • 336 __  |3DVD|atwo-dimensional moving image|2rdacontent

337  Media type

    • Media type reflects the type of device required to view, play or run the content of a resource
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Media type term
    • Subfield b = Media type code
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Subfield 3 = Material specified
    • For a complete list of media terms, see RDA Media type
    • The 337 data can be added to a record using constant data.  Add the 337 line, press Tab to go to the data section, and enter “%”, “a337”, then press Enter or right click once the field has been added, select Substitution Phrases, highlight the correct line, then click Use
    • Can also include a code for the term
      • 337 __  audio|2rdamedia  OR
      • 337 __  audio|bs|2rdamedia
    • Use multiple media types with a subfield 3 to describe resources with more than one carrier **can also use terms from 300 field
      • 337 __  |3CD|aaudio|2rdamedia
      • 337 __  |3book|aunmediated|2rdamedia

338  Carrier type

    • Carrier type reflects the format of the storage medium and housing of the carrier
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Carrier type term
    • Subfield b = Carrier type code
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Subfield 3 = Material specified
    • For a complete list of carrier terms, see RDA Carrier Type
    • The 338 data can be added to a record using constant data.  Add the 338 line, press Tab to go to the data section, and enter “%”, “a338”, then press Enter or right click once the field has been added, select Substitution Phrases, highlight the correct line, then click Use
    • Can also include a code for the term
      • 338 __  audio disc|2rdacarrier   OR
      • 338 __  audio disc|bsd|2rdacarrier
    • Use multiple carrier types with a subfield 3 to describe resources with more than one carrier  **can also use terms from 300 field
      • 338 __  |3CD|aaudio disc|2rdacarrier
      • 338 __  |3DVD|avideo disc|2rdacarrier

344  Sound Characteristics

    • Technical specifications relating to the encoding of sound in a resource
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Type of recording
    • Subfield b = Recording medium
    • Subfield c = Playing speed
    • Subfield g = Playback channels
    • Subfield h = Special playback characteristics
    • Subfield 2 = Source (record when terms are from a controlled list)
    • Examples
      • 344 __  digital|gsurround|hDolby digital 5.1|2rda
      • 344 __  digital|gstereo|2rda

347  Digital File Characteristics

    • Technical specification relating to the digital encoding of text, image audio, video and other types of data in a resource.  This information could also be recorded in field 300 subfield b.
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = File type
    • Subfield b = Encoding format
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Examples
      • 347 __  audio file|bCD audio|2rda
      • 347 __  audio file|bMP3|2rda

380  Form of work

    • A class or genre to which a work belongs.
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Subfield a = Form of work
    • Subfield 2 = Source
    • Examples
      • Concertos
      • Songs|2lcgft

382  Medium of performance

    • The instrumental, vocal, and/or other medium of performance
    • First indicator
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 0 = Medium of Performance
      • 1 = Partial Medium of Performance
    • Second indicator
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 0 = Not indexed
      • 1 = Indexed
    • Subfield a = Medium of performance
    • Subfield b = Soloist
    • Subfield d = Doubling instrument (medium of performance term for the instrument(s)/voice(s) a performer plays in addition to the primary instrument or voice
    • Subfield n = Number of performers of the medium named in the preceding subfield.  Do not need to add if the number is one
    • Subfield p = Medium of performance term for an alternative instrument, vocal or other medium of performance
    • Subfield s = Total number of performers
    • Subfield 2 = Source of term
    • Examples
      • 382 __   mixed voices|aorchestra
      • 382 —  piano
      • 382 01  trumpet|n2|atrombone|n2|s4
      • 382 01  soprano|n2|atenor|n2|atenor saxophone|n2|abass clarinet|n2|atrumpet|n2|s10

383  Numerical designation of musical work

  • A serial number, opus number, or thematic index number assigned to a musical work by the composer, publisher, or a musicologist
  • Both indicators are blank
  • Subfield a = Serial number
  • Subfield b = Opus number
  • Subfield c = Thematic index number
  • Subfield e = Publisher associated with serial or opus number
  • Subfield 2 = Source
  • Examples
    • 383 __  no. 14,|bop. 27, no. 2
    • 383 __  |bop. 8, no 1-3
    • 383 __  |bop. 3|eHummel

384  Key

    • The set of pitch relationships that establishes a single pitch class as a tonal center for a musical work or expression
    • First indicator
      • Blank = Relationship to original is unknown
      • 0 = Original key
      • 1 = Transposed key
    • Second indicator
      • Blank
    • Subfield a = Key
    • Examples
      • 384 __  D minor
      • 384 1_  D major

4xx Series

When an item is part of a series, it is important to include a series statement in the bibliographic record so all parts of the series can be found. Be sure to add the series statement to all formats of a title: book, large print, sound recordings.

  • 490 – A series statement that is either not traced or traced differently. There is no period at the end of the 490.
    • First indicator: 0 or 1
    • Second indicator is blank.

490 0_

First indicator 0: Use this for publisher’s series that are not traced; they do not have an added entry,
meaning they are not indexed in the series index but can be found in a keyword search. They are not considered
an important point of access.


  • 490 0_ A Golden guide
  • 490 0_ Wheeler large print romance series

490 1_

First indicator 1: Use this for a title series that has one author; the title is transcribed exactly as it is on the item, including any words or symbols associated with the series number in a |v (Harry Potter ;|vYear 1).  There is a corresponding 800 field with the author’s name and a |t with the title.


  • 490 1_ Hardy boys mystery stories ;|v5
  • 490 1_ In death series ;|v12
  • 490 1_ The O’Malley series ;|v2

First indicator 1 also used for a title series with multiple authors and for publisher series that are traced; it is transcribed exactly as it appears on the item.  There is a corresponding 830 field with the title/name.


  • 490 1_ Harlequin historical ;|v885
  • 490 1_ The states and their symbols series

800 1_

An author/title entry with the title of the series in |t. The author’s name must be the authorized form, which includes any subfields containing dates, titles, longer forms of the name, etc.  Please note any non-filing characters in the title are not included in |t.  If there is a volume field, use only the number with no other designation before it (no., vol., bk., etc.). A semi-colon precedes the subfield |v. The |p and |n (for part and number) are not currently indexed.  The 800 field ends in a period.  All 800 fields must have a corresponding 490 1_ field.

**NOTE: All series headings must be verified.  Check authority record (by pressing Ctrl plus “g” simultaneously or right-click and select Verify Heading to take you to browse view) for the correct form of the series

**NOTE: If you are cataloging a series that has reached 10 volumes, please go back and fix previous volumes to include a 0, i.e. |v01, |v02, etc. so that these sort properly in the catalog. Should your series hit 100 volumes, the same will apply to double digit volumes: |v021, |v022, |v023. Do not worry about publisher series numbering (DAW collectors books, Harlequin, etc.) It is not necessary to start off series numbering with a leading zero as most series never reach 10 volumes.


  • 800 1_ Dixon, Franklin W.|tHardy boys mystery stories ;|v05.
  • 800 1_ Robb, J.D.|d1950-|tIn death series ;|v012.
  • 800 1_ Henderson, Dee.|tO’Malley series ;|v02.

830 _0

The 830 is the authorized form of the series title, which is not necessarily the same as the 490. Look for an authority record for the correct 830. Any non-filing characters (A, An, The) are not included in this field.  The 830 field ends in a period.  All 830 fields must have a corresponding 490 0_ field.

**Note If you are cataloging a series that has reached 10 volumes, please go back and fix previous volumes to include a 0, i.e. |v01, |v02, etc. so that these sort properly in the catalog. Should your series hit 100 volumes, the same will apply to double digit volumes: |v021, |v022, |v023.


  • 830 _0 Harlequin historicals ;|v885.
  • 830 _0 States and their symbols.

5xx Note fields

500  General note

    • Both indicators are blank
    • Note for accompanying material, booklet vs insert
      • a booklet is stapled; an insert is folded
    • Examples
      • 500 __  All songs written by Sam Phillips.
      • 500 __  Title from disc label. **source of title must be included
      • 500 __  Title from container.
      • 500 __  Lyrics in booklet.
      • 500 __  Compact disc.  **if this phrase is found on the container, leave in the record.  It’s no longer necessary to add to every audio disc record.

511  Participant or Performer Note

    • Note about the participants, players, narrators, presenters, or performers.
    • First indicator = 0
    • Second indicator = blank
    • Examples
      • 511 0_  Bruce Springsteen and various musicians.
      • 511 0_  Various performers.
      • 511 0_  Anja Harteros, soprano ; Elīna Garanča, mezzo-soprano ; Jonas Kaufmann, tenor ; René Pape, bass ; Orchestra e coro del Teatro alla Scala ; Bruno Casoni, chorus master ; Daniel Barenboim, conductor.

508  Creation/Production Credits

    • Note about the individuals and/or organizations who have participated in the artistic or technical production of a work to a significant degree
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Example
      • 508 __  Produced by Chris Vachon.

518  Date/Time and Place of an Event Note

    • Note on the date/time and/or place of broadcast, capture, or creation associated with an event
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Example
      • 518 __  Recorded at Sage & Sound Recording, Los Angeles, CA & Rancho De La Luna, Joshua Tree, CA.
      • 518 __  Recorded live on June 6, 2011 at Webster Hall in New York City.

521  Target Audience Note

      • A note about the target audience for the described material; contents are considered appropriate for a specific audience or intellectual level.
      • First indicator
        • 8 = No display constant
      • Second indicator is blank
      • Subfield a = Note
      • Subfield b = Source
      • Examples
        • 521 8_  Parental Advisory.
        • 521 8_  Edited.

505  Contents note

    • Use for songs contained on a music cd.
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Complete contents
      • 1 = Incomplete contents (resource not in hand, cataloger has listed what is available)
      • 2 = Partial contents (resource is in hand, complete contents not listed)
    • Second indicator
      • Blank = Basic
      • 0 = Enhanced  (means entries are searchable; |t elements are searched in the title index and in the keyword index.  |r elements (authors/performers) are searchable in the keyword index; to be searchable in the author index, a 7xx field must be added
    • Subfield a = Contents note
    • Subfield g = Miscellaneous information not indexed
    • Subfield r = Statement of responsibility
      • Performers go in parentheses; composers are entered without parentheses
    • Put a space hyphen space ( — ) between each item in a regular contents note; if it is an enhanced contents note with delimiters and subfield codes, use space hyphen|t ( –|t)
    • Examples
      • 505 0_  Just keep on rockin’ — It all went down the drain — Jambalaya.
        • Songs only searchable in keyword index unless 740 analytical title fields are entered for each song
      • 505 00  |tJust keep on rockin’ –|tIt all went down the drain –|tJambalaya.
        • Songs searchable in both the title and keyword indexes.
      • 505 00  |tJust keep on rockin’|g(3:48) –|tIt all went down the drain|g(5:29) –|tJambalaya|g(5:02)
        • Songs searchable in both the title and keyword indexes; song time is not indexed
      • 505 00 |gDisc 1.|tNearly gone –|tHurtin for certin –|tBrothers of the 4×4 –|tFarthest away –|tHeld up –|tThe outdoor plan –|tDeep scars –|tLooky yonder commin –|tAint broken down –|tOverdrive –|tLoners 4 life –|tDread full drive –|gDisc 2.|tGettin dim –|tPossum in a tree –|tBroken boogie –|tToothpickin.
      • 505 00  |gDisc 1.|tNearly gone –|tHurtin for certin –|tBrothers of the 4×4 –|tFarthest away –|tHeld up –|tThe outdoor plan –|tDeep scars –|tLooky yonder commin –|tAint broken down –|tOverdrive –|tLoners 4 life –|tDread full drive.
      • 505 00 |gDisc 2.|tGettin dim –|tPossum in a tree –|tBroken boogie –|tToothpickin.
        • Songs searchable in both the title and keyword indexes; disc numbers are not indexed.  Either example is correct
      • 505 00  |tLocked out of heaven /|r(Bruno Mars) –|tSuit & tie /|r(Justin Timberlake, with Jay-Z) –|tWay /|r(Ariana Grande, with Mac Miller).
      • Parentheses are used for performers that did not compose that piece. Optional practice.
      • Songs searchable in title and keyword indexes.  7xx access point fields should be added to search names in the author index

586  Awards note (no period at end of line)

    • This field is repeatable; only one award per note
    • Both indicators are blank
    • If the award has categories, follow the format:
      • Award for Category, Year
    • For list of approved awards, see MORE Awards
    • Example
      • 586 __  Grammy Award for Best Rock Album, 2012

590  Local note

    • Use sparingly as this note must be deleted BY YOU when your item is deleted!
    • Both indicators are blank
    • Enter your two letter library code at the beginning of the note
    • Always ends in a period
    • Information that is relevant to your copy (autographed copy, etc.) but that is not necessary in the public display should be entered in a note in the item record
    • Examples
      • 590 __  cf  Missing DVD.
      • 590 __  os Missing booklet.

6xx Subject/Genre Fields

600  Subject Heading, Personal Name

    • First indicator
      • 0 = Forename
      • 1 = Surname
    • Second indicator
      • 0 = Library of Congress
      • 1 = Library of Congress subject headings for children’s literature  **Do NOT use
      • 7 = Source specified in subfield |2
    • Subfields are not typically in alphabetical order
    • Subfield a = Personal name
    • Subfield c = Titles and other words
    • Subfield d = Dates
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Subfield q = Fuller form of name
    • Subfield v = Form subdivision
    • Subfield x = General subdivision
    • Subfield y = Chronological subdivision
    • Subfield z = Geographical subdivision
    • Examples
      • 600 10  Lloyd Webber, Andrew,|d1948-
      • 600 10  Seuss, Dr.|vMusical settings.

610  Subject Heading, Corporate Name

      • First indicator
        • 0 = Inverted name
        • 1 = Jurisdiction name
        • 2 = Name in direct order
      • Second indicator
        • 0 = Library of Congress
        • 1 = Library of Congress subject headings for children’s literature  **Do NOT use
        • 7 = Source specified in subfield |2
      • Subfields are not typically in alphabetical order
      • Subfield a = Corporate name
      • Subfield b = Subordinate unit
      • Subfield v = Form subdivision
      • Subfield x = General subdivision
      • Subfield y = Chronological subdivision
      • Subfield z = Geographical subdivision
      • Examples
        • 610 10  United States.|bArmy|vSongs and music.
        • 610 20  Green Bay Packers (Football team)|vSongs and music
        • 610 20  Divo (Musical group)|xPerformances.

650  Subject Heading, Topical Term

      • First indicator is blank
      • Second indicator
        • 0 = Library of Congress
        • 1 = Library of Congress subject headings for children’s literature  **Do NOT use
        • 7 = Source specified in subfield |2
        • 8 = Sears subject heading   **Do NOT use
      • Subfields are not typically in alphabetical order
      • Subfield a = Topical term
      • Subfield v = Form subdivision
      • Subfield x = General subdivision
      • Subfield y = Chronological subdivision
      • Subfield z = Geographical subdivision
      • Examples
        • 650 _0  Frogs|vJuvenile sound recordings.
        • 650 _0  Blues music|y2011-2020.

651  Subject Heading, Geographical Term

      • First indicator is blank
      • Second indicator
        • 0 = Library of Congress
        • 1 = Library of Congress subject headings for children’s literature  **Do not use
        • 7 = Source specified in subfield |2
      • Subfields are not typically in alphabetical order
      • Subfield a = Topical term
      • Subfield v = Form subdivision
      • Subfield x = General subdivision
      • Subfield y = Chronological subdivision
      • Subfield z = Geographical subdivision
      • Examples
        • 651 _0  Wisconsin|vSongs and music.
        • 651 _0  United States|xHistory|yCivil War, 1861-1865|vSongs and music.

655  Genre/Form Heading, Source specified in subfield  (|2)

      • A term indicating the form, genre, and/or physical characteristics of the materials begin described.  It’s what the resource “is”, not what it’s about
      • First indicator is blank
      • Second indicator = 7
      • Subfield a = Genre term
      • Subfield 2 = Source of term/thesaurus
      • MORE is only using terms from the Library of Congress genre/form term thesaursus (|2lcgft) and a few locally created headings. These genre headings should all have authority records, so make sure the authorized form is selected when verifying headings.
      • If adding a topical heading with a chronological decade subdivision (|y2011-2020), also add a genre heading with the base heading
        • 650 _0  Rock music|y2011-2020.
        • 655 _7  Rock music.|2lcgft
      • Examples
        • 655 _7  Live sound recordings.|2lcgft
        • 655 _7  Country music.|2lcgft
        • 655 _7  Power metal (Music)|2lcgft
        • 655 _7  Concert films.|2lcgft  (used with those resources that include a sound recording plus dvd)

690  Subject Heading, Local term

      • A term that was created locally for something that was not covered in LCSH.
      • Check list of approved headings.  Local subject headings can be found at MORE Local Subject Headings
      • First indicator is blank
      • Second indicator = 0
      • Examples
        • 690 _0  Wisconsin author.
        • 690 _0  Local author (Chippewa Falls)

7xx Access Points

700  Access Point, Personal name

    • A personal name used as an access point
    • All authors and performers need an access point
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Forename
      • 1 = Surname
    • Second indicator
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 2 = Analytical entry
    • Subfield a = Personal name
    • Subfield c = Titles and other words
    • Subfield d = Dates
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Subfield q = Fuller form of name
    • Subfield t = Title of a work
    • Examples
      • 700 0_  Cher,|d1946-|eperformer.
      • 700 1_  Stewart, Rod,|ecomposer.
      • 700 12  Swift, Taylor,|d1989-|tI knew you were trouble.
        • An analytical entry for a song contained in a resource.  Indexed in both author and title indexes.

710  Access Point, Corporate Name

    • A corporate name used as an access point.
    • First indicator
      • 0 = Inverted name
      • 1 = Jurisdiction name
      • 2 = Name in direct order
    • Second indicator
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 2 = Analytical entry  (not typically used)
    • Subfield a = Corporate name
    • Subfield b = Subordinate unit
    • Subfield e = Relator term
    • Examples
      • 710 2_  Maroon 5 (Musical group),|eperformer.
      • 710 2_  Fun (Rock group),|eperformer.

730  Added entry, Uniform Title

    • An access point for anonymous works, names of magazines and newspapers, radio and television programs, and motion pictures and videorecordings.  It’s frequently used for music from a movie or musical.
    • First indicator
      • 0-9 Filing characters
    • Second indicator
      • Blank = No information provided
      • 2 = Analytical entry (not typically used)
    • Examples
      • 730 0_  Star Wars (Motion picture)

740  Access Point, Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title

    • Uncontrolled means that one has not checked the authority record
    • This field is used for parts of a work.  It’s often used for the second title when there are two titles entered in the 245 title field.
    • It’s also used for individual titles in a 505 Contents note.  This is not used very often now because formatted contents notes are used where the title is automatically indexed in the title index.
    • First indicator = 0
      • Use “0”, do not enter the initial article
    • Second indicator = 2
      • Used to indicate an analytical title (separate work listed in the 245 Title proper field)
    • Example
      • 245 00  Triple concerto ;|b& Archduke trio.
      • 740 02  Archduke trio.

8xx Series Fields

When an item is part of a series, it is important to include a series statement in the bibliographic record so all parts of the series can be found. Be sure to add the series statement to all formats of a title: book, large print, sound recordings.

  • 490 – A series statement that is either not traced or traced differently. There is no period at the end of the 490.
    • First indicator: 0 or 1
    • Second indicator is blank.

490 0_

First indicator 0: Use this for publisher’s series that are not traced; they do not have an added entry,
meaning they are not indexed in the series index but can be found in a keyword search. They are not considered
an important point of access.


  • 490 0_ A Golden guide
  • 490 0_ Wheeler large print romance series

490 1_

First indicator 1: Use this for a title series that has one author; the title is transcribed exactly as it is on the item, including any words or symbols associated with the series number in a |v (Harry Potter ;|vYear 1).  There is a corresponding 800 field with the author’s name and a |t with the title.


  • 490 1_ Hardy boys mystery stories ;|v5
  • 490 1_ In death series ;|v12
  • 490 1_ The O’Malley series ;|v2

First indicator 1 also used for a title series with multiple authors and for publisher series that are traced; it is transcribed exactly as it appears on the item.  There is a corresponding 830 field with the title/name.


  • 490 1_ Harlequin historical ;|v885
  • 490 1_ The states and their symbols series

800 1_

An author/title entry with the title of the series in |t. The author’s name must be the authorized form, which includes any subfields containing dates, titles, longer forms of the name, etc.  Please note any non-filing characters in the title are not included in |t.  If there is a volume field, use only the number with no other designation before it (no., vol., bk., etc.). A semi-colon precedes the subfield |v. The |p and |n (for part and number) are not currently indexed.  The 800 field ends in a period.  All 800 fields must have a corresponding 490 1_ field.

**NOTE: All series headings must be verified.  Check authority record (by pressing Ctrl plus “g” simultaneously or right-click and select Verify Heading to take you to browse view) for the correct form of the series

**NOTE: If you are cataloging a series that has reached 10 volumes, please go back and fix previous volumes to include a 0, i.e. |v01, |v02, etc. so that these sort properly in the catalog. Should your series hit 100 volumes, the same will apply to double digit volumes: |v021, |v022, |v023. Do not worry about publisher series numbering (DAW collectors books, Harlequin, etc.) It is not necessary to start off series numbering with a leading zero as most series never reach 10 volumes.


  • 800 1_ Dixon, Franklin W.|tHardy boys mystery stories ;|v05.
  • 800 1_ Robb, J.D.|d1950-|tIn death series ;|v012.
  • 800 1_ Henderson, Dee.|tO’Malley series ;|v02.

830 _0

The 830 is the authorized form of the series title, which is not necessarily the same as the 490. Look for an authority record for the correct 830. Any non-filing characters (A, An, The) are not included in this field.  The 830 field ends in a period.  All 830 fields must have a corresponding 490 0_ field.

**Note If you are cataloging a series that has reached 10 volumes, please go back and fix previous volumes to include a 0, i.e. |v01, |v02, etc. so that these sort properly in the catalog. Should your series hit 100 volumes, the same will apply to double digit volumes: |v021, |v022, |v023.


  • 830 _0 Harlequin historicals ;|v885.
  • 830 _0 States and their symbols.