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Need Help Planning an Inservice or Staff Development Day?

Inservice or Staff Development: How can IFLS help? 

Planning a staff development day?  Congratulations!  IFLS staff can provide sessions on a variety of topics. Below is a partial list. To request an IFLS staff presenter for your staff development day, please submit a HelpDesk ticket. 

If you need assistance planning the day or finding speakers for topics not listed below, also submit a HelpDesk ticket. 

Potential topics: 

Your library is part of the MORE automation and resource-sharing consortium 

  • About MORE: membership, administration, budgets, decision-making 
  • About Sierra 
  • Circulation: patron records, checkout, check-in, placing holds, filling holds, notices, fines and fees 
  • Collection management: adding item records, assigning call numbers, handling damaged items, weeding, working with CABS  
  • Serials: magazine management  
  • Acquisitions 
  • Maintenance tasks: outstanding holds, long in transit, missing in transit or from holdshelf 
  • Advanced Sierra: searching in Sierra (including Browse Query), Create Lists, special patron records, statistical tools including Decision Center 

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) 

  • Interlibrary Loan basics 
  • WISCAT Basics 

Reference and Readers Advisory 

  • IFLS Databases (Ancestry; Novelist Plus) 
  • Libby basics and beyond 
  • Searching techniques for the MORE Catalog and MORE Libraries app 

Customer Service 

  • Intellectual Freedom/Book Challenges/Responding to Challenges 
  • Child development/teen development 

Additional Offerings 

  • Public library service 101 
  • Team-Building Activities 
  • Values Exercise: finding the common values that are a priority for staff  
  • Collection Development basics (selection and weeding) 

Online Options from IFLS-Recommended Sources