2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
There is a great post in the ALSC Blog about parenting programs at the library. If you can find the right topic and the right night, you will end up with a surprising number of parents who are hungry for information and resources!I used to coordinate events at a...
From The Wakanheza Projectâ„¢ Agency Business and Community Organizing Guide:”Principle 1: Judgment. We make judgments every day to help us make decisions. When we see a person who is struggling and we make assumptions and judgements abotu who they are and why...
We had a lively discussion at today’s youth services idea swap about parents and caregivers. Some things we discussed included: Correcting children’s behavior in front of parents–how to handle if it if parents are offended, what to do if parents...