2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
There are so many great ways to get kids and families engaged in science! Christopher Mick from Hudson Area Joint Library is one of the biggest science enthusiasts I know, and much of his programming has a STEM focus. He shared a few of his favorite resources with...
Image from PixabayThe Global Family Research Group, the group that created the excellent resource Public Libraries: A Vital Space for Family Engagement, have a new resource: Public Libraries Engage Families in STEM. They talk about the way...
I love hearing from colleagues who have flown the coop, so to speak, and are working in libraries outside of our system. First of all, I love to hear from them because I like them, and love to hear what they are up to and what they are thinking about. ...
Even though it is on a commercial site, this is a great explanation of the way kids learn to understand numbers (being able to count to 10 does not mean that children understand the concept behind the numbers). It gives some simple suggestions of activities to...
The Milky Way (Pixabay)Thank you to Claire Parrish at Rice Lake Public Library for letting me know about STAR-Net: Science Technology Resources for Libraries. This website, provided by The Space Science Institute’s National Center for Interactive...