12/23/2024 - MORE online payment option temporarily unavailable - I'll post an update here when the online payment option is available again, and I'll post a message on the MORE Catalog homepage if the problem persists beyond Monday afternoon.
Last week, the Hudson Area Library, in cooperation with the Teen Advisory Board, offered an after-hours Fun and Games Night at the library. From 6:30-10:00 pm, the 11 TAB volunteers and two adult chaperones kept busy running games, ice-breakers, and more...
Here are some more ideas I got from the programming-for-elementary-ages- idea swap, held at the Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians Conference earlier this month (look for more coming up!)From Waupaca: Jousting using library stools as mounts and swim...
The folks at Ellsworth sure know how to scare away the winter blahs! An American Girl Beach Party, based on the book Aloha Kanani, kept the attendees warm. Participants learned to dance the hula, including learning what the hand motions in the dance mean. They wore...
Kids dancing at Hudson Beach Party What do you do when school is out in your community? In Hudson, youth services staff Carol Hudson and Mary Davis, along with 5 adult and 8 teen volunteers, offered a fun day last month. This was the first time for them, and they were...
We have two new kits available for IFLS libraries to check out. They are specifically designed for using with school age kids, they supplement our Mathmania and Science kits. Here they are:A Flip Video Kit. This kit has 2 Flip Video cameras and accessories. If you...