Professional Development: Customer Service
Leah Langby
April 15, 2020

There are lots of approaches to customer service, and many different ways to think about it.  It is one of the things people request the most information about, and not surprisingly there are a lot of archived webinars about this topic!

Here are just a few!  (And remember to watch the WVLS site for the webinar with Pat Wagner that aired TODAY:  When the Library Makes Mistakes)

Others in the April 2020 Pat Wagner series:

Dealing with Hostile and Potentially Dangerous Library Users   Recording  Slides
The Ethics of Library Customer Service   Recording  Slides

Webjunction has a whole set of resources, sample policies, courses, and recorded webinars about customer service.  Lots to look at here.

The Homelessness Training, which all of Wisconsin has access to thanks to the state library and LSTA funds, gives a great foundation in empathy-based service for everyone, particularly people who are experiencing homelessness or mental health challenges.

Along those lines, this webinar from the 2017 Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference with Melissa Munns is quite helpful for helping people navigate the library’s rules:  Teaching Patrons to be Successful in the Library – Slides  Recording


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