Make some maker supplies!

Thanks to Jill Patchin at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in Eau Claire for this information/blog post:Strawbees in action (from Strawbee’s kickstarter page)We recently purchased a new die for our machine to make Strawbees, which will allow us to...

Dinosaur Game

Dino Tongue by Joe Utsler, flickr, Creative Commons Who isn’t interested in dinosaurs??I came across this amazing live-action game designed FOR KIDS at a LIBRARY and it is way too cool not to share.  Scott Nicholson, a professor in the ISchool at the...

Responsive Programming for Homeschoolers

Team-building with homeschoolersThanks to Kathy Larson from Bloomer for supplying this guest post:Fall Creek and several other libraries in library land have been offering programs for Homeschool students and it inspired me to think about creating my own. In the...

Book Bunches in Ellsworth

Thanks to Julie Belz from Ellsworth for this guest post!After reading about a library in Colby, Wisconsin creating book bunches on the Growing WI Readers blog, we decided that it would be worth a try here in Ellsworth.Book bunches displayThey are flying off the...

Guest Book Review: Beautiful Darkness

Thanks to Emily Eckstrand-Brummer, currently of Stanley and soon-to-be from Hibbing, MN for this guest book review!Beautiful Darkness coverBeautiful Darkness by Fabien Vehlmann and KerascoëtI just HAD to share this awesome young adult graphic novel with my fellow...

Facebook Engagement for the Win!

Thanks to Kim Hennings from New Richmond for sharing this Facebook engagement idea:”I thought I would let you know about a promotion we ran yesterday for “cyber Monday” on our facebook page.  I saw the idea on Pinterest to wrap up 25 gifts and...

Making Sense of Sensory Storytime

Children in Bloomer enjoy using many senses with parachute and cotton ballsThere have been three recent blog posts on the ALSC blog that would be useful to anyone trying to make their storytimes more inclusive for kids with various sensory needs.Renee Grassi wrote an...

Super Heroes Being Super-Heroic

She-Ra, a real-life superheroWe had a terrific workshop this week, thinking hard about summer programs in the context of youth services programming all year long.  Fabulous keynote speakers Shawn Brommer (South Central Library System) and Sue Abrahamson talked us...