Power Up Conference Testimonials!

Image source:  PixabayPower Up:  A Leadership Conference for Youth Services Managers and Staff will be held in Madison March 28-29, 2019.  This is a great conference, and several of your IFLS-land colleagues participated last time it was offered. ...

Giant Games in Eau Claire

Many thanks to Alisha Green from LEPMPL for sharing this guest post!A collage of super-big games created by LEPMPL staff!The good folks in Eau Claire got to celebrate International Games Week with Giant Games!  We’ve supersized everything including a giant game...

Developing Resilience

Image from PixabayMany of you have heard of (or even attended workshops about) Adverse Childhood Experiences and the effects of toxic stress on the long-term physical and mental health of people who experience it as children.  If you don’t know what this...

What About Pronouns?

  Image source:  Pixabay I’ve been thinking about pronouns lately.  It goes with thinking about how to make things like workshops, conferences, and library programming more welcoming, inclusive, and healthy for everyone, particularly trans people.  People...