Weekly Digest: some fun news and notes
IFLS Staff
July 11, 2024
Weekly Digest

We’re smiling for Elizabeth

Elizabeth Miniatt (D.R. Moon Memorial Library, Stanley) and her team’s proposal was accepted for both ARSL (virtual  and WLA conferences!

This was the culminating project of the State Advisory Group Elizabeth joined several years ago, facilitated by Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM). From January-June 2024 she organized and oversaw the development of a dental health resource book for Amish scholars and their families. She collaborated with Amish elders, a dental student (now dentist as she has graduated!), and two art students from UW-EC.

The project as a whole was a joint effort with their NNLM contact, Wisconsin Area Health Education Center (AHEC) and Wisconsin Health Literacy. Some of those partners will be joining Elizabeth’s presentations.

Well done, Elizabeth!

A list of the ARSL online programs can be found on the ARSL website.

Would you like to share what you’re up to in Weekly Digest? Inquiring librarians want to know. Send your news to kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us with Weekly Digest in the subject line.

Bioblitz is fun!

The 14th annual Wisconsin Science Festival (WSF) is fast approaching (October 14-20), and your library is invited to participate as an event host.  This year the Wisconsin Water Library at UW Madison is assisting the WSF in support of libraries’ participation in the WiSciFest Bioblitz – a community science event that collects data on biodiversity in Wisconsin. Libraries are a perfect fit for hosting a mini bioblitz and the Water Library is here to help.

A bioblitz gives community members the opportunity to explore and record the surrounding flora and fauna and can run for one hour, one day or for the whole week of the science festival. Hosting a bioblitz is easy and the Wisconsin Water Library (co-hosts a Great Lakes Bioblitz in the spring) have put together some resources for you.

  1. bioblitz resource guide contains important information you need to host your own bioblitz.
  2. A free, one-hour informational webinar will be held on Thursday, September 19 at 11:30. This is an opportunity to learn the basics of community science and how you might participate. The webinar is designed for both new and experienced bioblitzers. Click to register for the webinar.

I hope to see you in September and watch your observations roll in during the October event! (from Anne Moser, Senior Special Librarian, Wisconsin Water Library and Education Coordinator, Wisconsin Sea Grant
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Contact and links: 608-262-3069
seagrant.wisc.edu | wri.wisc.edu | wiscwaterlib)

New podcast for you

Surviving the Stacks Podcast is a new offering from social worker Beth Wahler and library educator Jane Garner.  Featuring stories and examples from across the globe, this podcast seeks to increase support to library workers and administrators experiencing challenges, improve understanding about the reasons why libraries are seeing these challenges, and share innovative solutions for libraries to consider using in their own community.  The first episode dropped this week!


Coming up on the IFLS calendar

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