Well, fresh on the heels of 3 staff inservice presentations about The Wakanheza Project, and I think the IFLS Wakanheza Project Team is ready for anything!
If you have been seeing the notices from around the state about The Wakanheza Project training and felt jealous, feel jealous no longer! In IFLS-land, we decided to do Wakanheza Project training in the form of staff inservices, so that everyone in the library could participate. Since The Wakanheza Project is very much about making a little shift in the culture of the library, it works best if everyone is on board–or at least everyone has the same information to start with.
Be sure to contact me if you are interested in having a 2-person team come to your library to present this information. It seems like 1.5 hours to 2 hours is the best amount of time to allot–so we can easily fit this in before the library opens.
If you are at a very small library, maybe there is a way we could team up and have a few neighboring small libraries work together.
If you have never had a staff inservice and need some ideas about how to make this work, let me know that, too!