IFLS-member Library Staff Directory

This is a crowd-sourced google document that is password protected. Both IFLS staff and library staff use this directory. 

  • You can view and edit the information right on this page–no need to login into a google account.
  • Each library updates its own staff’s best contact information. 
  • Submit a HelpDesk ticket if you need the password.

IFLS Staff

John Thompson, Director
go to last name: B-CD-FG-JohJon-K • L-RST


Laura Breza

Bibliographic Services Assistant

processor@ifls.lib.wi.us for Shared Services processing questions

Shared Services processing

Bonnie Clausen

MORE Database Specialist


Cataloging and quality control of the MORE database for centralized cataloging.

staff picture

Cecelia Cole

Resource Sharing and Collection Development

715-839-5082 x117

Electronic Resources, Collection Development, Interlibrary Loan

Adam Fuller

Katelyn Dubiel

Public Services Consultant

715-839-5082 x113

Delivery, Adult Services,  Strategic Planning, Basic Library Administration

Deb Faulhaber

MORE Database Manager

715-839-5082 x121

Cataloging and quality control of the MORE database.

Adam Fuller

Adam Fuller

Joanne Gardner

Administrative Associate

715-839-5082 x110

Administrative support to the IFLS Board, committees, and system staff. General information, meetings, system reports, minutes, and records production and retention.

staff photo

Brad Jensen

Technology Support Specialist

715-839-5082 x128

Technology equipment and software support

Jackee Johnson

Jackee Johnson

MORE Support Specialist

715-839-5082 x111

MORE (acquisitions, serials, circulation, training, Decision Center, Sierra)


Alyson Jones

MORE Database Specialist


Cataloging and quality control of the MORE database for centralized cataloging.

Reb on a boat

Rebecca Kilde

PR & Communications Coordinator

715-839-5082 x127

IFLS website and newsletters, marketing, graphic design, advocacy

Bridget Krejci

Database Maintenance Specialist

715-839-5082 x125

Cataloging and quality control of the MORE database for centralized cataloging.

staff photo

Leah Langby

Library Development and Youth Services Coordinator

715-839-5082 x114

Youth Services, Continuing Education, Director Certification, Inclusive Services


Julia Reid

MORE Database Specialist


Cataloging and quality control of the MORE database for centralized cataloging.

Adam Fuller

Lori Roholt

MORE Administrator

715-839-5082 x123

MORE (administration, budget, policies, circulation, training)

staff photo

Kris Schwartz

IT Director

715-839-5082 x115

Technology and Network Support

Katie Shay

Interlibrary Loan Consultant

715-839-5082 x119

Interlibrary Loan

staff photo

Sarah Szymanski

Collaborative Services Lead

715-839-5082 x124
szymanski@ifls.lib.wi.us or 

Shared Services manager, Delivery, IFLS project support

John Thompson


715-839-715-839-5082 x116

Library Law, Trustees, Building Projects, Library System Administration

Lists and letters quick links

Lists and letters details

MORE and IFLS email lists

IFLS maintains targeted lists that are available for member-library staff only. These lists are used to share important information and updates. Find more details and subscribe.

Post to a list: in the “to” field, use the list name followed by @lists.iflsweb.org. You can reply to list postings sent by others using “Reply all.”

IFLS-member library staff list

This list is crowd-sourced by our member librarians and includes contact information that IFLS libraries and IFLS staff use. It’s password protected so you can use non-public contact information. Submit a HelpDesk ticket to get the password.

Lean WI website services email list

Lean WI Website Services provide website design, hosting, and training for IFLS libraries. If you’d like to get email notifications of upcoming training opportunities, send an email to websitehelp@librarieswin.org to be added to the distribution list.


The News from IFLS is our monthly newsletter of library news for general audiences. Invite your trustees, elected officials, staff and the public to subscribe to this newsletter. View archives and subscribe. Submit your news to kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us.

Marketing Monthly is a bundle of useful and timely tools to support your library’s communications with users, partners, funders and community. Sign up on the IFLS Marketing page.


IFLS currently hosts three blogs.

  • Leah Langby’s popular Keeping Up With Kids blog and archives are on the IFLS Youth Services page. Leah navigates the the giant rivers of information and ideas and curates them in manageable bites for the people who are out there providing services to kids, teens, families, and community partners. 
  • Weekly Digest consolidates the week’s highlights, including reminders, grant opportunities, updates to the website, statewide and national news and other useful information.  Weekly Digest is also shared through the Plstaff email list and appears on the IFLS website home page. Submit your news by Wednesday each week to kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us.
  • Our Jobs Board is a blog, and you can search posted jobs. Jobs are deleted after two months.

Click on any blog post to expand it and search the archives.

Blog Archives

Circulation Manager (part-time) – Osceola, WI

The Wilberg Memorial Public Library of Osceola is seeking a friendly, energetic, and organized person for a library circulation manager position. The job position includes supervising staff working the circulation desk, managing interlibrary loans, resolving patron...

read more

search all blog posts using keywords or title, date, categories



Talk to us

IFLS General: 715-839-5082

Toll free within 715 area code:

Fax: 1-715-839-5151

Interlibrary Loan Office: ext. 1

MORE Office: ext. 2

ILL Toll-free fax: 1-877-267-1023

general email: tellus@ifls.lib.wi.us


1538 Truax Blvd
Eau Claire, WI 54703

Open Hours

Open M-F: 9am to 5 pm

Deliveries M-F 9am to noon

IFLS minimizes fragrances in the office to protect people with chemical and fragrance sensitivities. When visiting the IFLS office please refrain from using scented personal care products (cologne, aftershave, heavily-scented hair products, scented lotions, etc.) Thank you!