SLP Resources

A Superhero rescues a baby, carrying her across a bridge over molten lava at a superhero storytime in Eau ClaireAs planning for summer enters into high gear, I wanted to remind you of a couple of great resources put together for us by our state youth services...

Summer Vacation??

Tent in the woods, courtesy of WI DNR flickrI just read a great blog post by Abby the Librarian about planning for vacations during the SUMMER.  Shocking for some of you to think of, I’m sure, since summer is such a busy time for libraries, especially in...

Reviewing Apps

Photo credit:  Quite AdeptAt the New Media Training I attended last week, I was excited to explore some apps that really invite joint attention between a parent and child, are engaging and interactive, and allow kids to explore early literacy and math concepts in...

Inspired for Outreach with Impact

I just listened to the archived recording of a UW-Madison SLIS Continuing Education webinar by Yee Lee Vue of the Appleton Public Library.  She was talking about library outreach to the Hmong community.  She spoke specifically about their project to bring...

Mark Your Calendars

I just got back from a very stimulating and invigorating training with Carissa Christner and Anne Hicks, both contributors and trainers for Little eLit.  So much to sort through and think about and delve into further!  Look for more blog posts in the coming...

Young Children and Technology at Home, Part 3

As  this publishes, I’ll be at a training with the folks from Little eLit, learning even more about this topic!One of the things Devorah Heitner mentioned in her webinar last week was to help parents be aware about the digital footprint they are creating...

52 Weeks of Teen Programming

The Youth Services Section of the Wisconsin Library Association has yet another terrific resource for all of you busy librarians out there!  52 Weeks of YA Programming was created by a team of YSS members who have had successful teen programs and were willing to...

Young Children and Technology at Home

Child with tablet, courtesy of The Commons Getty Collection I just attended an outstanding webinar from The Erikson Institute, Strategies for Using Digital Technologies at Home.  It was presented by Devorah Heitner.   I can’t recommend listening to the recording...

Readers Advisory Sites for Kids

RA wordle from In a recent discussion on an ALSC listserv, several people shared their favorite readers advisory websites for kids.  I thought I’d share them with you! 8 Readers’ Advisory Sites post on the INALJ...

Reading Goals Results–February

We had a more manageable list this month so I have included some comments from submitters.We were reading Realistic Fiction in February.  In March, we’re reading Humorous Books–March is a month when I could use some humor…If you read a...