Spotlight On Services: This Means YOU!

The WLA Conference Committee wants you to share examples of how your library strives to include everyone in your library space, programming, and services.  Submit your photos and descriptions here.  The images and ideas will be used for displays at...
Brief Interventions to Increase Talking

Brief Interventions to Increase Talking

  Image by Michael Gaida from Pixabay  I mentioned earlier that I attended a workshop in June about Using Brief Interventions with Families with Dr. Robert Nix of UW-Madison.  One of the things he highlighted was the effect that a simple prompt can have on...
Scaffolding for Self-Control

Scaffolding for Self-Control

Photo by jonas mohamadi from PexelsWell, last week whipped by while I was busy doing other things and I didn’t keep up with my excellent goals about blogging every single week.  I’m sure most of you are too busy to be reading much in...