Teen Tech Week Resources

Anne Hamland, the youth services consultant for Wisconsin Valley Library Service, now works in the same office as me.  I can’t tell you how exciting it is for me to work in the same building with someone else who is thinking about services to youth! ...

A Grab Bag of Ideas from Ellsworth

Thanks so much to the new youth services/programming librarian at Ellsworth, Elise Gregory, for this guest post filled with easy-to-replicate and fun ideas.I’ve been making little grab bags with any of my left-over materials from Preschool Storytime. I also...

Powerful Teens

Image from PixabayIn the midst of feeling sad and worried and upset about all sorts of things going on in our world, the thing that is making me feel the best is seeing and hearing the teens in Parkland, Florida.  These teens are taking their grief and the trauma...