Annual reports data compilation, Library Love Story update, sustainability, coming soon
IFLS Staff
January 2, 2025
Weekly Digest

In case you missed this: 2024 annual report info

From TWAM: This week, my IFLS colleagues and I will begin compiling data for your libraries’ annual reports, with the goal of having as much data as possible pre-filled into your electronic forms once they’re open to directors in late January. This data includes physical and electronic collection and circulation information, borrower counts, wireless and public computer use, and any other data we can access directly. Thank you to all who helped with year-end data clean-up projects to ensure accurate reporting!

This is from the This Week at MORE (TWAM) weekly email. Watch for these in your inbox. Questions? Submit a HelpDesk ticket.

Updates to Library Love Story

Thanks to everyone who is working hard to get this out to your library community! Because it’s a budget year, we’re asking people to personally invite community partners and leaders to submit a love story this year.

In response to a request, I’ve added a graphic file suitable for larger printed items like posters. It’s over on the Library Love Story toolkit page

Sustainability special interest group forming (Wisconsin Library Associaton)

Bethany Bulgrin, (formerly IFLS staff now at L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library) shared this tidbit from Dawn Tevis, Youth Services Coordinator LaCrosse Public Library, and ALA SustainRT Committee Member.

As we look forward to 2025, Dawn is hoping to identify those of you who might be interested in participating in a Wisconsin Library Association Special Interest Group on the topic of Sustainability. Participation in SIGs requires WLA membership. If this is you, please email Dawn by January 6 at to let her know. Libraries are in a unique position to help create vibrant, resilient communities in the face of environmental concerns, and the ALA has identified Sustainability as a core professional value—urging us to embody practices that are environmentally sound, economically feasible, and socially equitable. I would love to join forces to build momentum toward deeper sustainable thinking and mutual support in policies, programs, educational opportunities, partnerships, collections, operations, and more. Let me know if you’d like to be a part, and we’ll see if I can get the required minimum for an SIG. Thanks!! And my best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.

Coming soon

Empowering Readers:  Serving Dyslexic Kids and Other Emerging Readers at the Library

IFLS webinar with Starla Dixen and Becky Glade, January 14, 1-2 pm

Public libraries are well-placed to provide support to kids who are learning to read, and to their caregivers. Many kids need extra support with reading. Learn ideas and resources to help you serve dyslexic kids, homeschoolers, and all kids who are learning to read with your library’s collections, displays, and more.  This is a follow-up to last year’s well-received webinar with the same presenters, Understanding Dyslexia and Reading Instruction for Librarians (you can find recording and handouts on the IFLS page.  This webinar will be recorded and will provide 1 contact hour for public library director certification. Register here 

Personality Disorders: An Interview with Dr. Gregory Lester, Ph.D.

Ryan Dowd interviews Dr. Lester, January 9, 1-2 pm. A Q&A session will follow the interview. Register here  

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