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Recordings, Handouts, Activity Sheets


Flexible Facilities Application Training


Spring Webinar Series from Wisconsin Public Library Systems

Rethinking Registration with Kathy Larson, River Falls Public Library

Wisconsin Libraries Talk About Race, Identity, Burnout, and Vocational Awe with Fobazi Ettarh

Dive Deeper Into Lists with TeachingBooks for Libraries Recording

2024 Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference Slides, Recordings, and Activity Reports

Wisconsin Libraries Talk About Race, Moving from Allyship to Leadership:  Agency, Accountability, and Emotional Intelligence with Anne Phibbs

Information Access for Blind and Visually Impaired People with Katherine Schneider

How to Write Effective Survey Questions to Get Useful Data with Kathy Dempsey (Sponsored by Wisconsin Library Systems)


Tech Days 2023

Handouts, slides, recordings, and activity sheets for all four webinars can be found on the Wisconsin Libraries Tech Days Website This year’s webinars included:  Artificial Intelligence and the Library:  The Current Landscape; Dealing with Digital Distractions:  Ideas and Recommendations for Libraries; When a Service Desk Isn’t Enough:  One-on-One Tech Assistance; and Making the Most of BadgerLink.

Compensation Study Q & A

Wisconsin Trustee Training Week 2023

Handouts, slides, recordings, and activity sheets for all five webinars can be found on the Wisconsin Trustee Training Week website.  Webinars included:  No More Neutral:  How to Use Marketing to Position Your Library in Challenging Times; Wisconsin Library Law; Nurturing Your Library Culture; LGBTQ-Inclusive Trusteeship; Elected Officials Are People, Too.

Wisconsin Library Buildings & Spaces

Look at the Wisconsin Library Buildings & Spaces website for recorded webinars and resources about accessible and inclusive spaces, building and space planning, building maintenance, capital costs, multi-use buildings, old, existing, and historic buildings, project management, working with an architect, and more.

Wisconsin Libraries Talk About Race Spring 2023 webinars

Archives of all three webinars, along with any associated handouts and slides, are available on the Wisconsin Libraries Talk About Race website. You may need a free account to access some of the content. These webinars include:  Build Skills & Take Action to Stand Up for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; How to Move Past Midwest Nice and Towards Safety and Belonging; Beyond Diversity 101:  Micro-Iniquities, Implicity Bias, and Moving Toward Equity.

Youth Services Series:  Workshops (in-person and virtual) with Leah Langby

Youth Services Series:  T(weens):  Programming, Partnership, and Burnout with Kymberlee Powe

Youth Services Series:  Developing Minds at the Library with Brooke Newberry

Youth Services Series:  Programs with Intention with Amy Smith

Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference all 14 recordings, slides, and Activity Reports


The Reluctant Library Advocate webinar with Jill Markgraf

Beyond the Desk workshops

Marketing Is Not a Dirty Word with Rebecca Kilde

Wisconsin Tech Days 2022 four webinars, 6 hours.  Recordings, slides, and CE sheets are all here!

Mental Health in Library Customer Interactions with Libby Richter

Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Associaton 101:  Library Edition with Rebecca Ahl.

Spring Webinar Series #3:  Public Libraries and Fake News:  How to Educate and Inform in an Age of Misinformation with Barbara Alvarez and Sam Molzahn.

From WVLS site (host):     Recording  Slides  Resources   Activity Report 

Spring Webinar Series #2:  Where Does the Money Come From? Wisconsin Public Library Funding with John Thompson.

Spring Webinar Series #1:  Enhancing Your Workplace Culture with Brenda Viola.  For recording, contact Jamie Matczak:  jmatczak@wvls.org

Bringing the Library To Your Community webinar with Heather Acerro, Rochester Public Library

Wisconsin Libraries Talk About Race webinars with Deborah Biddle

All of these webinar recordings are available when you register (for free) at the Wisconsin Libraries Talk About Race website.  (This extra step is required by our presenter to protect their intellectual property).  You can also find links to an Independent Study module (registration required).  Webinars in this series include: Let’s Talk About Race at Work; Engaging in Sensitive Conversations and Handling Pushback; Understanding Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter in Majority White Spaces

Oceans of Possibilities–In Our Backyard with Anne Moser and Jenny Van Sickle

Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference 14 webinars!

Advocacy 101 with Jim Tripp and Rebecca Kilde

Talking Is Teaching:  Trusted Messenger Training with Jessi Peterson, Jerissa Koenig, and Amy Fink