Do you love helping people and organizing? The L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library is a provider of well-organized books, information, ideas, and education. As a Library Page you will provide that to your community and SO MUCH MORE. A Page position will give you the knowledge and understanding of what it means to work in a library. You will gain valuable knowledge and experience which will help you to decide if the library is where you want to continue your career. The L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library is looking for candidates that will be friendly ambassadors to the library, can work independently, and are able to work in a moderately physical setting.

This position is scheduled Monday-Thursday evenings and rotating Saturdays and will work an average of 19 hours per week.

The current starting wage is $11.95 and includes pro-rated holiday leave.

For more information about the position or to apply, please go to

To apply please fill out a library employment application. Applications will be reviewed starting July 24th and the position will remain open until filled.