Tip Jar!

Open Meetings Law Part II: When is a gathering of board members considered a board meeting? (from Katelyn Noack)

Example: Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry are all on the library board and they are friends. It’s Pippin’s birthday and they’re having a BBQ at Sam’s house– would this be considered a meeting?

Yes, if those present discuss any library business. This includes any formal/informal action, discussion, decision, or information gathering on library matters.

No, if the library never comes up because they always talk about that trip they took that one time.

It is important to make sure your board understands that they should only discuss library business at a board meeting. If your board members are going on library tours or to a continuing education event, it may be a good idea to post a notice of possible quorum. Check out this example from Ellsworth Public Library.

And one more plug for the Open Meetings Law compliance guide.

Fancy New Reference Transaction Flowchart

Do you sometimes have trouble figuring out if a patron’s question counts as a reference transaction or not? Check out this fancy new flowchart from the DPI!

The flowchart asks three easy questions to determine whether or not the interaction was a “reference transaction.” Still not sure? There are examples of common questions on the back side.

Changes to website management

(from Erica) Due to instances of accidental deletion, we have decided to make a structural change to library websites. We are moving library website footers (where most libraries have contact information and hours) at the bottom of your page out of a “global section” located on each webpage on your site and into a single “Global Footer” in the Divi Theme Builder.

Note: this is a work in (alphabetical) progress. As of this email we’re up to letter “H” for IFLS libraries. NWLS and WVLS libraries will follow in the coming days.

Why this matters: If your library changes hours for the summer, you will need to access your website footer in different way than in the past.

Instructions for updating global footer here: https://training.librarieswin.org/quick-tip/update-global-footer/

Really, folks, do this survey

The Wisconsin Library Buildings & Spaces project is entering its second year. We wish to hear more about what interests YOU so this statewide resource more closely matches our library community’s needs and desires. Your answers will help us refresh and expand the web page content and impact the next steps for the Wisconsin Facilities Assessment! The deadline to complete this survey is June 7, 2024.

Take the survey. Ten IFLS libraries have completed it so far. Make your voices heard!


Continuing Ed top pick

Navigating the Terrain of Change WEBINAR– Monday June 10, 2:00-3:30 pm Register for Navigating Change webinar.

Missed the spring workshops?  Here’s an abbreviated, virtual chance to get some of the same excellent content from Dr. Alonzo Kelly! If you attend live, you can also register for one of two follow-up sessions on June 11. They maintain a page with details about current and past events.

This offering is a project of the Wisconsin IDEA Team, with support from the WI Department of Public Instruction with funds from the Institute for Museum and Library Services. 

News from libraries

I got this lovely chatty email from Fairchild, and I thought I’d pass it on!

Friday mornings are very busy here. We host a coffee social w/donuts which draws in many from the immediate area. They often have a mid-morning guest, like the E.C. County nurse who comes each month.

Fairchild Public Library is celebrating their 125th anniversary this year with an Open House on the Fairchild Fun Days, the first Sunday of August. They’ll also be hosting other events to celebrate.

They finished upgrading their front entrance for accessibility, and added safety features to the balcony. They’re planning to plant a beautiful maple during their anniversary celebration.

Rozanne certainly would compliment her current library board, who have become more active this past year with many things to help the library, especially fundraisers.

Explore MORE starts on June 1

Your passport kits went out in courier. You should have gotten a big envelope with instructions, tally sheet, masters to make copies of entry form and Plus-Five forms, and passports. You should also have gotten a little white envelope with your stamp and stamp pad. If you didn’t get all of that, please submit a HelpDesk ticket.

A question: what libraries can be used for the extra Plus-Five stamps? The answer: any library in the world.

The toolkit is updated. Prize packages will be announced on May 29. You can use this social media post graphic to drum up interest.

Coming up on the IFLS calendar

Have a great weekend!