Tip Jar

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Remember to check the Notes section of the ILL paging slips for any extra information about the request, like a specific due dates, courier routes, or mailing instructions!

Does your library have a display policy?

If not, consider creating one. A display policy outlines not only what outside entities may display in the library but also clarifies what the library and library staff will and will not display. You can view several sample display policies on the IFLS website HERE. Want additional help? Reach out to Katelyn at noack@ifls.lib.wi.us

One-time grant opportunity, big $

(From John, contact him with questions.)

There are a good number of libraries in our system area thinking about new library buildings and/or significant renovations. I have been working with many of you on your projects. There is an exciting grant opportunity available for public libraries and community centers.

The guidelines were just released.  This is ONE TIME money. Maximum Award Amount per Project: $4,250,000.  No match is required if the project is less than the $4.25 million.

To be eligible for grant award consideration, the proposed project must:

  • be for the construction of a new or the expansion or renovation of an existing Public Library, Community Center, or Multi-purpose Community Facility that is open and accessible to the general public; and
  • provide for high-speed internet (defined as internet that reliably meets or exceeds 100 Mbps download speeds and between 20 Mbps and 100 Mbps upload speeds and be scalable to a minimum of 100 Mbps symmetrical for download and upload speeds), including the purchase and/or installation of digital connectivity technology, devices and/or equipment to facilitate broadband internet access, and
  • directly enable or provide access to work, education and healthcare monitoring.

Grant Application Training for FFP

The Flexible Facilities Program Training will be held via webinar 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 9, 2024The training materials are linked on the webiste.

Application Training for the Flexible Facilities Program offers potential applicants guidance and instructions in writing grant applications. Participating in the training session is not required to submit an application but is highly recommendedRegister here.

Library workers, tell Leah what you’d like for the Mini-conference

Two years ago we had our first ever IFLS Library Worker Mini-Conference, and we are excited to have another one in the fall.  To help plan, Leah needs some feedback from the people this opportunity is designed for.

If you are NOT a manager, director, coordinator…in short, if you are someone who often doesn’t get first crack at attending in-person workshops or conferences, this survey is for you.  We will be providing as much support as possible for library workers to attend, so please let us know what kind of event would be most relevant and helpful for you by filling out this survey by May 17.

Libraries in the news!

This article is written by a Minneapolis art critic and writer who visited Somerset Library to view the ArtReach exhibit they hosted for their Valley Reads event at Somerset Library. St. Croix Falls and Osceola libraries also hosted the exhibit and held discussions.

Send your library news to kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us.

Order your passport if you haven’t yet

Please fill out this form to order passports for the Explore MORE 2024 Passport program.

The public-facing page is live, and will soon be linked on the IFLS home page. I’m working on putting together the best toolkit yet! Erica hosted a great webinar on blog posts, using ChatGPT to get a start on writing, and how to manage when and where your blog shows up. There’s a recording of that great content!

Lake Superior Libraries Symposium registration now open

Registration for the twelfth Lake Superior Libraries Symposium is now open! LSLS24: Persevere: Carrying on Our Mission will be held on Friday, June 7  at Kathryn A. Martin Library on University of Minnesota Duluth campus in Duluth, Minnesota. Library staff, administrators, trustees, and students from the Upper Midwest and beyond are invited to attend and participate.

Registration is just $70. Register today! Register by May 24 to ensure that any dietary requests can be accommodated.

Coming Up

For Managers & Supervisors: Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace for Neurodivergent Staff, Tuesday, May 7 from 1-2 pm

Presented by: Renee Grassi, Director, Lake Bluff Public Library
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__RafVPlVR1iJyOlCVI6Ddw#/registration

Library managers and supervisors are responsible for creating a welcoming, supportive, and safe environment for the staff and teams they supervise.

  • Gain an understanding of the term neurodiversity
  • Learn about the strengths of those who are neurodiverse
  • Learn from real-life workplace scenarios
  • Gain practical strategies and tools for supporting inclusion of the neurodivergent volunteers and employees in your organization.

This is part two in the Spring Webinar Series, Neurodiversity at Work.  It will be recorded and captioned for later use.  It will provide one contact hour for public library director certification.  The other webinar recording We Are Already Here:  The Workplace Experiences of Neurodivergent Library Workers is now available, as well.

The webinar series is sponsored by Wisconsin Library Systems, with support from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction through the Institute for Museum and Library Services.


From the IFLS Calendar