Spring Delivery Study: May 13-17

The worksheet and instructions form were redone and have a new look, but all the information collected is the same. If you have any questions or something is unclear, reach out to Katelyn (noack@ifls.lib.wi.us). Please share this information with relevant staff!

Instructions for the Worksheet

  • Write your library’s name at the top

Count all the bins in your library (full and empty) on the morning of May 13 and write that number down at the top

  • Record the time your driver arrives
  • Record the number of gray bins sent and received per day of delivery
  • Record the number of other items sent and received per day of delivery
  • Tally and total the number of mistakes (missorts and mislabeled items)
  • On the back, share any additional mistakes (e.g. Anytown PL got a bin for Everytown PL), compliments or comments.

Then scan and email the completed worksheet to Katelyn.

You should have gotten an email from Katelyn with the study instructions, worksheet, and an example of a completed worksheet. These documents can also be found on the Delivery Page on the IFLS website (https://iflsweb.org/for-librarians/delivery/).

You’ll get a reminder the week before the study begins. Thanks everyone!

Tip Jar

Who can receive information about a 16/17-year-old’s library account?

  • Their custodial parents
  • The 16/17-year-old
  • Their grandparents
  • All the above

Answer: Only the 16/17-year-old can ask and receive information about their library account. While they are still considered a minor, their library accounts are protected by Chapter 43.30(1m) & 43.30(4) and only the account holder can ask for and receive information on materials checked out, on hold, etc.

Recycle Eclipse Glasses by May 3

At the request of one of our member libraries, IFLS is going to be collecting leftover eclipse glasses for recycling through Astronomers without Borders.  This program will redistribute the glasses to future users for the next solar event.If you are interested in donating your glasses, please follow these steps:

  1. Let Katelyn know if you’re sending in glasses, so she knows to expect them.
  2. Package all your glasses together (box or bag) and send them to the IFLS office, Attn: Katelyn via the courier
  3. Smile at a job well done and at the new shelf space available in your supply closet.

Send in your glasses no later than May 3, 2024. 

IFLS E-resources Survey open until May 1

One response per library: about half of our libraries have responded. This is your chance to express your opinion about new, public-facingshared system-wide e-resource subscriptions. More details went out in an email from Cecelia; questions go to her (cole@ifls.lib.wi.us).

Click here to take the surveyPlease respond to the survey by the end of the day on Wednesday, May 

MORE Summer Passport website promotion

Pick one: Wednesday, 5/1 at 2 PM or Thursday, 5/2 10 AM.

Practice creating blog posts to promote the MORE Passport program on your IFLS library website with Reb and Erica. We’ll have some talking points and graphics to share. Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the button on the IFLS calendar or use this link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81035626921?pwd=ejhJMjZVMmN6WjlwQXI1WUZBMFJPZz09

New Website Videos

Two new recordings have been uploaded to the Website Service YouTube Playlist:

Website Office Hour – Summer Reading on Library Websiteshttps://youtu.be/f3AweKJaJjw?si=cGTcvYozXC8wc_Gk

Divi advanced skills – Demonstration of “Hover Mode” for Blurb Module:  https://youtu.be/f3AweKJaJjw?si=cGTcvYozXC8wc_Gk
(note this recording was a result of an impromptu discussion)

Cool News from Libraries

Join the Ellsworth Centennial Celebration, May 15-22, 2024 In 1924, a dedicated group of individuals and community organizations formed a library board and started the Ellsworth Public Library. Now, 100 years later, in 2024, you are invited to join the celebration. There are events for all ages and it is our sincere hope that you’ll find the perfect event for you.

Send your library news to Reb at kilde@ifls.lib.wi.us.

Outside IFLS

Free Professional Development (recommended by Chris Baker, DPI)

The Infosys Foundation USA Pathfinders Summer Institute 2024 , hosted by CodeJoy is a FREE ‘hands-on’ professional development (with a flexible schedule!) for librarians and teachers throughout the U.S. It’s interdisciplinary, with all sorts of STEAM-based learning opportunities. Here’s a link to an info video.

Books Unbanned: shared resource

Joleen Sterk (director, Menomonie Public Library) asked Cecelia if she had heard of Books Unbanned, which one of her staff brought to her attention.

She hadn’t, and says, “While this works similarly to our MORE e-cards which provide access to Wisconsin’s Digital Library (any WI resident can get an e-card and I don’t think there’s an age requirement), this broadens access even further. Major kudos to these libraries for sharing their digital collections and finding funding to do so!”

Thanks, Joleen, for sharing!

Can you share? From our Partners at UW-Extension

Division of Extension educators will be offering an online six-session lunch and learn opportunity this spring which focuses on the good. Beginning Tuesday May 14, the sessions will meet from noon to 1:00 PM, each Tuesday through June 18, 2024.

WeCOPE is an evidence-based program that helps adults cope with life stress by connecting with positive emotions. This program has been shown to increase positive feelings, reduce stress, and improve health behaviors in randomized trials. WeCOPE is based on the work of Dr. Judith Moskowitz. Even in the context of serious life stress, positive emotions can and do occur and have positive adaptive consequences. The course includes simple assignments for participants to complete between sessions. Materials and the class are free thanks to SAMHSA ROTA Grant #1H79TI083277-01.

This class can be found by scrolling to the state class listing on the UW Extension Health and Wellbeing page, or by using this link: https://go.wisc.edu/j7ol1o. Materials can be picked up in Eau Claire or Dunn County’s Extension Office. Details, including the Zoom link, will be provided in an email before the class starts.

For more information, feel free to reach out to Extension Dunn County’s Human Development and Relationships Educator, Luisa Gerasimo via phone or email: 715-232-1636, luisa.gerasimo@wisc.edu.

Great Lakes Great Read: The Water Walker and The Best Part of Us

As part of today’s Earth Day commemorations, the Wisconsin Water Library at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Wisconsin Library Association announced the books selected for a basin-wide shared-reading experience, Great Lakes, Great Read.

The Water Walker by Joanne Robertson is the children’s selection and the adult selection is The Best Part of Us by Sally Cole-Misch. Right now there are 4 copies of the kids’ book and 0 copies of the book for adults in MORE, none in Libby.

The Water Walker is the story of a determined Ojibwe grandmother, a “nokomis,” named Josephine Mandamin who walks to raise awareness of the need to protect “nibi” (water). Robertson wrote and illustrated the book, which was published in 2017.

Sally Cole-Misch published the novel The Best Part of Us in 2020. It explores a family’s ties to an island on an inland lake in northern Ontario, just north of Lake Huron, and how those ties are tested both through natural processes and family dynamics.

Both selected authors will be featured in a free webinar series happening on Sept. 25 and Oct. 2 and 9. All events will start at 6 p.m., CT, and will be open to the public.

The Great Lakes, Great Read website, https://www.greatlakesgreatread.org, has a toolkit to host your own great read, details on the authors and their books, book discussion questions, info about webinars, and more. There’s also a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/greatlakesgreatread/.

This initiative is made possible by an Ideas to Action grant from WiLS. Wisconsin Sea Grant and the University of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute support the Wisconsin Water Library.


Coming up on the IFLS Calendar